2019, Volume 10, Issue 4
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
2019, Volume 10, Issue 4
• Andrianov K.N., Kotova N.E., Chernysheva T.K. The state and directions of improving the state pension system in the planning system of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation
Identification number of article: 67SCSK419
• Golub O.V., Ozerina A.A., Timofeeva T.S., Karavaeva A.A., Lysenko E.S. Features of the image of the city of Volgograd in the representation of youth
Identification number of article: 22SCSK419
• Subov I.V., Kochergin V.B. Sociology of military administration: tasks, functions and disciplinary specificity
Identification number of article: 25SCSK419
• Kasatkina N.P., Shumkova N.V. Professional commitment of teachers in modern Russian school
Identification number of article: 45SCSK419
• Kostina S.N., Bannykh G.A. The phenomenon of large families in Russian mass media: results of the content analysis
Identification number of article: 58SCSK419
• Kochergin V.B. Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov as the founder of the Russian management sociology
Identification number of article: 05SCSK419
• Kudryavtsev A.N. Individual elements of the social system that contribute to stopping its development and degradation
Identification number of article: 61SCSK419
• Leskova I.V., Osadchaya G.I., Yudina T.N. Russia and the European Union: sociological notes on the role of culture and prospects for dialogue
Identification number of article: 66SCSK419
• Magomedtagirov M.M., Aygubov S.Z. Social networks as a resource for ethical change management in project activities
Identification number of article: 60SCSK419
• Musiichuk M.V. Display of wisdom in the wit of artists and musicians (content analysis of biographical anecdotes)
Identification number of article: 06SCSK419
• Nasibullin R.R. Socialization as a formation factor personalities of youth
Identification number of article: 12SCSK419
• Nevelichko L.G., Vorotilkina I.M. Volunteering as a mechanism of social solidarity of society
Identification number of article: 36SCSK419
• Perminova M.S. Social adaptation of rural youth to urban conditions
Identification number of article: 51SCSK419
• Stoyanov A.S. The relevance of «expectations» as a system of structural relationships of society (substantiation of the theory of «Society of expectations»)
Identification number of article: 15SCSK419
• Fadeykina V.S. Formation of the west Siberian railway staff skills to work with passengers with disabilities
Identification number of article: 08SCSK419
• Yushkova L.A. The research of specific features of the innovative socio-cultural development of the Udmurt Republic guided by the content analysis of the newspaper «Udmurtskaya Pravda»
Identification number of article: 21SCSK419
• Yachmeneva M.V. The evolution of family values in France and its influence on modern social practices of young people
Identification number of article: 54SCSK419
• Abakarova M.A. Verbalisation of the image of man in the English and Lak languages
Identification number of article: 30FLSK419
• Abdulhalimova R.O., Shahova M.H., Efendiev I.I. On the issue of determinologization of vocabulary in Dagestan languages
Identification number of article: 53FLSK419
• Akimova A.S. Concise dictionaries of the Yakut language (terminographic analysis)
Identification number of article: 13FLSK419
• Arkadyeva T.G., Vasilieva M.I., Fedotova N.S., Vladimirova S.S., Sharri T.G. Historisms and archaisms-nominations of persons by profession as sources of background information for modern native speakers of the Russian language
Identification number of article: 56FLSK419
• Artaev S.N., Barinova B.V., Mukabenova Zh.A., Goryaev G.A. Color in the communicative behavior of Kalmyk
Identification number of article: 26FLSK419
• Aiusheev B.B. Lexico-semantic and structural characteristics of the soldier’s jargon
Identification number of article: 32FLSK419
• Baklagova Ju.V. The formal and functional-semantic features of the predicate-argument structure of the periphrastic causative verb allow in English
Identification number of article: 10FLSK419
• Balandina E.S. The diachronic study of the concept in the Russian linguistic picture of the world
Identification number of article: 23FLSK419
• Boyko M.N. System in a non-verbal expression of irony in the works of A.P. Chekhov
Identification number of article: 28FLSK419
• Borlykova B.Kh., Menyaev B.V. Songs of khoshuts of Kalmykia: experience of cluster description of nominal vocabulary
Identification number of article: 04FLSK419
• Vardanyan L.V. Actualization of the conceptual sphere SAFETY in the British political discourse
Identification number of article: 27FLSK419
• Vostrikova O.V., Paymakova E.A. Linguistic stereotypes in the foreigner’s stylized speech portrayed in a work of fiction and its translation
Identification number of article: 38FLSK419
• Gubina E.A. Intraluminal italics as a special graphic technique (based on Russian and English written texts)
Identification number of article: 20FLSK419
• Dambuev I.A. Orthography of place names in the mirror of modern regional legislation
Identification number of article: 47FLSK419
• Denisova A.V. Ethno-cultural peculiarities of cognitive components of linguistic identity: conceptual and methodological basis of the research
Identification number of article: 59FLSK419
• Dzhabrailova V.S., Alekseeva O.P., Zaripova N.R. Translation strategies of TED Talks as a new linguistic phenomenon
Identification number of article: 14FLSK419
• Zhamankozova A.T. Theoretical judgment tragic in the Kazakh literature
Identification number of article: 41FLSK419
• Ivanyan E.P. For what shampoo in the novel «Monastery», or about the world of verbal being
Identification number of article: 63FLSK419
• Inyashkin S.G. American science-fiction thesaurus of the XX century
Identification number of article: 37FLSK419
• Litvinenko T.E., Kurtaeva M.O. Comparative analysis of key components of Spanish stock exchange terminology
Identification number of article: 48FLSK419
• Marsunov S.N., Gabunshin V.V., Dordzhiev V.V., Tserenov D.P., Karuev B.N. Kalmyk national wrestling “Böke barildan” in the heroic epic “Dzhangar”
Identification number of article: 39FLSK419
• Nagaeva K.E. Communicative efficiency and linguocultural information of titles of funeral agencie
Identification number of article: 17FLSK419
• Okoneshnikov E.I., Skryabina A.A. The category of happiness in the Yakut linguistic views of the world (based on the works of A. Sofronov)
Identification number of article: 18FLSK419
• Omakaeva E.U., Korneev G.B., Korneeva A.Kh., Turdumatova E.B., Khodzhigirova D.V. Chinese borrowings in literary language of Oirats and Kalmyks (based on lexicographic works)
Identification number of article: 33FLSK419
• Panteleeva L.M. Communicative efficiency and linguocultural information of titles of funeral agencies
Identification number of article: 01FLSK419
• Parshina O.D. Lexicographical representation of the «province» concept
Identification number of article: 49FLSK419
• Plastinina N.A. Paratext in contemporary world translation studies
Identification number of article: 55FLSK419
• Semaeva O.V. Linguistic processes and modern social trends
Identification number of article: 19FLSK419
• Sokolova M.G. Figurative parallelism as a way of representing symbolic meanings of dendronims poplar and maple in the language of Russian poetry of the XIX–XX centuries
Identification number of article: 34FLSK419
• Stepanova M.A., Kondratyeva V.B. Interpretative potential of the media and political discourse: assessment variation of official political greetings
Identification number of article: 40FLSK419
• Tataurova D.M. Evolution of a special concept «Citienship» within the Russian Consitution intertext
Identification number of article: 07FLSK419
• Tkachenko O.Yu., Shit’kova M.M. Lexico-semantic field and verbal sequence: possibilities of complex analysis of the literary text (on the example of analysis of F.M. Dostoyevsky’s novel “Notes from Underground”)
Identification number of article: 44FLSK419
• Tkachuk E.A. Reflection of basic values in Chinese environmental social advertising
Identification number of article: 64FLSK419
• Ubushieva B.Eh., Erdnieva E.A., Goriaeva P.B., Ankisheva E.A. Phonetic adaptation of Sinism in the Kalmyk and Mongolian languages
Identification number of article: 42FLSK419
• Khilkhanova E.V., Sanzheeva L.Ts. Language contacts and linguistic consciousness: some theoretical considerations
Identification number of article: 24FLSK419
• Chibirov T.N. The hobby-horse as a national and cultural component of the concept “horse” in the English linguoculture
Identification number of article: 46FLSK419
• Chuprakova E.V. Special features of language conceptualization of the concepts «femininity» and «masculinity»
Identification number of article: 31FLSK419
• Shakhaeva A.A., Krasikova E.A. Cognitive basis of polysemy of the polysemy of the Chinese classifier 台
Identification number of article: 50FLSK419
• Ianchenko Ia.M. The linguistic aspect of the study of song discourse: relevance and multi-aspect character
Identification number of article: 29FLSK419
• Vinokurova M.A., Vasil’eva N.P. The role of intercultural communication in higher education
Identification number of article: 43KLSK419
• Eliseev A.V. Fiction and reality in the system of culture and social relations
Identification number of article: 03KLSK419
• Kazakova E.A. Art as a field of cultures’ dialogue (based on Russian, Dagestan and Chechen-Ingush poetic traditions of the first half of the XIX century)
Identification number of article: 02KLSK419
• Mikhalchenkova N.A., Bolshakova Ju.M. Regional library system as a factor in raising the intellectual and cultural level of future generations: assessing the status and dynamics of transformations
Identification number of article: 65KLSK419
• Peredelskiy A.A., Zhong Lei The art of war: sports and official and applied strategy of martial arts and martial arts in the context of the tract «Sun Tzu art of war»
Identification number of article: 09KLSK419
• Rukovishnikov Yu.S., Evmenova L.N. The role of the student sports festival in strengthening the intercultural relations of Russia and other countries (by the example of the XXIX Winter Universiade 2019)
Identification number of article: 11KLSK419
• Sigida D.A., Proskuryakova I.P. Literary research approach to studying the cultural life of the region
Identification number of article: 52KLSK419