World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Yushkova L.A. [The research of specific features of the innovative socio-cultural development of the Udmurt Republic guided by the content analysis of the newspaper «Udmurtskaya Pravda»] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

The research of specific features of the innovative socio-cultural development of the Udmurt Republic guided by the content analysis of the newspaper «Udmurtskaya Pravda»

Yushkova Ludmila Anatoljevna
Udmurt state university, Izhevsk, Russia

Abstract. The article presents the results of the content analysis of the newspaper «Udmurtskaya Pravda». The aim of the analysis is the research of the current socio-cultural environment of the Udmurt Republic. The object of the research is aligned with innovative processes which are relevant to the sociocultural environment in the Udmurt Republic and realized through certain events. The relevance of the topic is determined by the demand to evaluate the intermediate results of the innovation strategy of the Udmurt Republic approved in 2015, which defines the most important phases and key elements of the innovative development of the Udmurt Republic. The aim of the research is to specify current innovations with the focus on their socio-cultural background as well as to account for the relevance of the innovations in the social-cultural environment in the given region by means of the content analysis of the contents of the most reliable regional issue – the newspaper «Udmurtskaya Pravda».

In order to achieve the goals of the research the author focuses on a range of events which are relevant to the socio-cultural environment of the Udmurt Republic in terms of their innovative potential. The paper assesses the relevance and the impact of the specified events on the socio-cultural environment. Conducted analysis revealed a number of subjects which are extensively covered in the regional newspaper: social adaptation of people with disabilities, urban development, development and promotion of a positive image of the region, development of the voluntary movement, support of gifted youngsters, creative cooperation with other regions of Russia and foreign countries, preservation and new interpretation of cultural and industrial traditions of the region, patriotic education. The article contains conclusions about the specific features of innovations which are carried out in the socio-cultural area in the Udmurt Republic, as well as about the attitude of the people of Udmurtia towards the innovation and the willingness of the youngsters to be involved in in the innovative developments of the socio-cultural system of the region.

Keywords: socio-cultural environment; innovation; strategy of innovative development; image of the region; content analysis; information field; regional press

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