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For citation:
Tataurova D.M. [Evolution of a special concept «Citienship» within the Russian Consitution intertext] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/07FLSK419.pdf (in Russian).
Evolution of a special concept «Citienship» within the Russian Consitution intertext
Tataurova Darya Mikhajlovna
Irkutsk state university, Irkutsk, Russia
E-mail: darya.tataurova@mail.ru
Abstract. The article regards the development of a special concept citizen in terms of the intertext of Russian Constitution, including the Constitution of Russian Federation as the last variant and its pretexts, such as Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Constitution of 1978 and 1937. The investigation is provided as a part of dissertation paper. The object of investigation is presented as a structure from the point of view of prototypical approach, the core of which is a prototypical referent, in other words, the sample of a special concept that has a range of features, or a prototypical significatum. Thus a special concept consists of a prototypical referent as a nucleus, paranuclear area containing referents with mostly prototypical significative features, and periphery which includes referents having significatum, which coincides with the prototypical one least of all. The analysis of the concept is based on the intertextual investigation considering that any text is a system of quotes, or intertext that helps to provide a detailed comparison of different representations of the concept «citizen». Providing the comparative analysis of prototypical structures of a special concept «citizen» actualized in the intertext of Russian Federation Constitution and Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Constitution of 1978 and 1937 it was investigated that the concept has the constant graphical form but it changes the content, what can be observed in the development of the significatum. Though the concept is changed not greatly, the changes reflect hyperominisation of the conceprt structure, which, particularly, can be observed through the extention of significatum showing the realization of the new political situation in language.
Keywords: citizen; intertext; constitution; special concept; significatum; significative feature; referent; prototypical approach
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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