Requirements for preparing articles
Dear authors, the developed by the editorial board instructions presented below are designed to help you to provide all the necessary information for publication to the editorial office and avoid the most common errors.
According to the obtained certificate of the mass media organization the journal «World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies» is entitled to publish the articles in Russian and English languages.
Articles in eanglish language are drawn up in conformity with the same instructions as the Russian-speaking ones (Instructions for authors).
All data on the authors, the article title, abstract and keywords are available to the editorial board in two languages!
In that case, if the article is not written in English, the metadata are available in three languages — Russian, English and a third language! The issue content indicates the author’s full name and title of the article in Russian and foreign transcription with a mark «article is published in … language». If the article was originally written in Russian and then translated, it is desirable to send to the editorial board a Russian version of the article.
Note! The covering letter must specify that the article is written in a foreign language or translated and if it was translated, specify by whom — author(s ) or a professional translator.
We ask you to upload a file with a table (reference) and fill it in accordance with the instructions presented on this page whereupon send it to the editorial board along with the text of the article. The editorial board reserve the right to reject without assigning any reasons the materials received without a completed accompanied table.
Based on the «EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English» our journal specifies the following requirements as to the scientific articles sent by the authors:
Information on the author (co-authors)
For the publication and forward transfer to the citation bases and electronic libraries the following information on the author (each co-author of article ) must be put at the editorial board’s disposal:
Surname, first name, patronymic
— completely in Russian;
— completely in the Latin alphabet (transliteration).
Be careful and always use (send to the editorial board) the same version of your full name transliteration. Remember that for the citation systems — «Vasil’ev Nikolay Aleksandrovich» and «Vasil’ev Nikolaj Aleksandrovich» are two different man.
Concerning to authors, owners of double names and surnames and foreign authors — please indicate how correctly to reduce your full name.
Name of work or study place
— the full official name, in Russian, in the nominative case. + country and city on the work (study) place;
— the full official name in English, in the nominative case . + country and city on the work (study) place.
The official name in English for the educational institutions can be found in the educational organization charter, which, in turn, can be found on the organization’s website.
You can specify up to three places of work or study.
We recommend that the authors did not specify a branch of educational organization, because information on working in the branch office is not passed and considered in RSCI and other citation systems. However, in case of necessity or desire you can together with your principal place of work specify the name of the branch as well as the country and city of its location — in Russian and English languages. Even so at first you should specify the principal place of work in the nominative case and then the name of the branch also in the nominative case.
Post, scientific degree, title
Post and organization department on place of work are put at the author’s will (not necessarily), only in Russian.
Scientific degree and title are put in case of presence only in Russian.
Learners should indicate «Student», «Graduate Student» or «Post-degree Student». According to the author ‘s will you can indicate the faculty or department and specialty.
E-mail address
E-mail address for each co-author is published together with other date on the authors for providing opportunity to contact with the author in a prompt manner, both on the part of the editorial board and on the part of interested readers. In addition, e-mail address of the author is transferred to the RSCI and other citation databases. We kindly ask you to specify the real and working e-mail addresses individually for each co-author of the article.
Profiles of citation systems and other information
Upon the author’s will his profile RSCI, profile ORCID, profile in Scopus and profiles of other citation systems can be specified in the article. One can provide a reference to a personal page in the Internet (including pages in the social networks).
The postal address to communicate with the author
Correspondent mailing address (with index) for contacts with authors of article:
— it is solved to give one for all co-authors;
— work (preferably) or home (at will) address.
Please note, that all the above information is published in the open access journal!
Title of article
Title of the article is submitted to the editorial board in Russian and English languages.
Title of the article should be unambiguous, understandable for specialists in other areas of activity and to reflect the content of the article. Be accurate, do not write by the general or
vague phrases. If necessary, mention in the title a period and location of study and the international scientific name of the object under study or pilot scheme of study.
Avoid using abbreviations in the article title.
We also ask you not to write the name ONLY BY THE CAPITAL LETTERS.
Abstract is provided to the editorial board in the Russian and English languages. Abstract volume is at least 200 words.
Briefly explain, why a study was conducted, on what question(s) were received the answers, how a study was conducted and what you found as well as your interpretation and conclusions from the results. The abstract must reflect the content of the article, because for most readers it will be the main source of information about this study. Use the phrases «Author (s) submits … «, «In Article … «, etc.
You must use keywords in the abstract to simplify on-line search of your article by those who may be interested in its results (many databases include only the names and abstracts). In the experimental article the abstract should be informative and include the results. Only in reviews and other large-scale publications introduction should be indicative, i.e. it must list the main issues under discussion, but not the results.
Do not refer on tables and figures in abstract, as abstracts are also published separately from the article.
Do not use the formulae in the abstract, as in most databases, starting on RSCI, abstracts are published in a format that excludes display of formulae.
References to the used literature are also unsolved, if only there is no absolute need in them (in this case it is necessary to place in parentheses the detailed information: author, title, year, etc.). Make sure that all the information from the abstract is in the main text of the article.
List of keywords
Include all the scientific terms corresponding to research. Keywords must be accurate. Add the general terms, only if your study has interdisciplinary significance.
Text of the article
All abbreviations and acronyms should be transcribed at the first use.
Structure of the article
Try to structure your article, follow given below plan (this structure serves as guidelines):
Introduction (currency): explain, why it was necessary to conduct research, identify the targets of research and to what specific issue(s) it is intended. Start with the more general considerations and gradually focus on the issue(s) of your research.
Methods: Describe in detail, how the research was conducted (i.e. the area of research, data collection, criteria and a source of the analyte. It is necessary to consider all the factors that could affect the results of study. If the people were participated in the study, it should be specified: their quantity, place of residence, age and gender characteristics, etc.; the group must obtain at most neat characterization.
Results: provide results of studies (previously published data should not be included in this part of the article).
Discussion: give answers to the questions of your research (listed at the end of abstract) and as objectively as possible compare your highlights with those published earlier. Discuss their limitations and mark out your main conclusions.
Acknowledgements: make mention everyone who contributes significantly to your research, but cannot be considered as co-authors and thank all sources of funding.
Tables, figures
Pay special attention to the figure quality. The figures must be clear and inscriptions on them are easy-to-read.
If the width of figure or table is greater than that of the sheet, turn the needed sheet in the landscape orientation. Do not turn upright figure or table itself. Please be receptive to this.
From viewpoint of reader, scroll of such figures and tables on a computer screen is extremely inconvenient, so the articles containing such tables and figures are not be accepted for publication unless they are corrected.
If it should be necessary to place an enough large figure — any plan, drawing, large-scale circuit, etc., you may contact the editors in advance, in order to discuss how best to do this.
The captions under the tables and figures must be informative, but not very long. If the similar data are presented in several tables or figures, the caption format must be similar too.
The captions must not be a part of figures or tables. The caption should describe the content of figure or table so that one might understand what it is without reading the article itself.
All figures and tables should be numbered. The numbering of tables and figures is carried out separately. If a figure or table is one in the article, the numbers are not stated.
The text of the article must contain REFERENCES to tables, figures and graphs BY ALL MEANS.
All tables and figures should have a citation (if the table or figure is borrowed) or signed «Compiled (developed) by author».
If for formulation you used any special software, besides the standard features of Microsoft Office — please indicate what one.
If you want to transfer formulae into a bitmap format, please make a point to their quality after conversion.
The references are provided after the article text in strict accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008.
Note, that in accordance with the requirements of the editorial office the reference list should contain at least 10 positions. The number of self-citations should not exceed 30 %.
Among these references we recommend to include:
— several references to the articles on the touched upon subject in the leading Russian and foreign journals that shows the author’s mental outlook;
— several references (no more than 30 %) to one’s work in order to demonstrate the scale and depth of research;
— other references to the materials which were used by the author in preparing scientific article. They allow a reader to quickly find the sources of materials, to which the author makes references, and get acquainted with them as well as be convinced of the data validity from these sources. Author should acknowledge the ideas of other authors and thus avoid charge of plagiarism.
Dear authors! The editorial board asks you to pay special attention to what sources should be placed in the article references and what those should design in the form of footnotes.
Note the fact that today the article list of sources is not just a list of the materials used by the author. It is also the data, on the basis of which, a calculation of quoting of each author, Hirsch-index and impact-factor of journal takes place in the citation bases, such as RSCI.
Based on anybody’s groundwork — show your gratitude to another author by a correctly executed reference, and it will increase in his performance.
It follows the most important rule for formation of the list — it must necessarily include any scientific works and publications — articles, monographs, dissertations, books, etc. Executing such source as a reference in the article text, you will «do the author a disservice «, as RSCI (as well as other bases of citation), will not process such reference.
It opposition to this, it is not recommended «to clog» the bibliography list by sources that should not be there. The unambiguous criteria that the source should not be included in the article bibliographic list is a lack of particular author. These sources include: laws, bylaws, standards (including GOSTs), articles from dictionaries and encyclopedias and pages of sites, for materials of which a particular author and other similar materials are not specified. They are documented as the footnotes along the text of article.
The sources are listed in the alphabetical order. Reference to the source in the text of article is executed in square brackets.
If you do not know how to design any or another source in the references correctly, follow the instructions.
Example of the references:
1. Bakhvalov, N.S. Numerical methods [Text]: a teaching guide for physico-mathematical specialties of universities / N.S. Bakhvalov, N.P. Zhidkov, G.M. Kobel’kov; Endorsed by. N.I. Tykchonov . — 2nd ed. — M. : Fizmatlit : Lab. of basic knowledge ; SPb. : Nev. dialect, 2002. — 630 p. : ill. ; 25 cm — (Technical University. Mathematics). — Bibliogr.: p. 622-626. — Subject Index: p. 627-630. — 30,000 copies — ISBN 5-93208-043-4 (in a transl.).
10. Kirsanov K.A. The biological, social and intellectual potentials of personality in the different paradigms of education// Online journal «Online journal «Science Studies», 2011 №1 (6) [Electronic resource] -M.: Science Studies, 2013 -.- Access mode: /sbornik6/4.pdf, free. — Title from screen. — Lang. Rus., Eng.
The article drawn in accordance with the above requirements should be sent to the editorial board in electronic form to the following address The names of all files sent to the editorial board must contain the author’s family name!