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For citation:
Shakhaeva A.A., Krasikova E.A. [Cognitive basis of polysemy of the polysemy of the Chinese classifier 台] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/50FLSK419.pdf (in Russian).
Cognitive basis of polysemy of the polysemy of the Chinese classifier 台
Shakhaeva Aleksandra Albertovna
Moscow state linguistic university, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: shakhaevaal@gmail.com
Krasikova Elizaveta Alexandrovna
Moscow state linguistic university, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: krasikova.liza@mail.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes the cognitive basis of the polysemy of the Chinese classifier 台. Based on the material of nouns of the lexical-semantic field «information technologies», we consider the cognitive connections that underlie the expansion of the original meaning of this classifier. The authors identify the relationship between the type of thinking, the type of writing and the image-scheme, which is the source of the development of new meanings of the word. The analysis of lexicographic sources, as well as semiotic analysis of the sign allowed us to identify those components of the meaning of the original lexical unit, which became the basis for the emergence of new meanings of the word台. Thus, the expansion of the meaning of this word is due to the fact that in the minds of native speakers, new realities of reality are associated with the same image – «high, smooth surface, square in shape platform». It was revealed that a native Chinese speaker, choosing a particular classifier for a new noun, relies primarily on the similarity of images in the semantics of the classifier and the subject. Which may indicate that there is a transformation of the image i.e. the use of the classifier extends in the direction from the basic level designations to the designations of other objects similar in shape. During the analysis, it was found that the productive components of the value of the form classifier, on the basis of which new values appear, are «high», «square in shape», «smooth surface», i.e. all values are formed on the basis of the form attribute, and functional features do not participate in the formation of polysemantic relationships.
Keywords: cognitive semantics; polysemy; image-scheme; logogram; classifiers of the Chinese language
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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