World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Fadeykina V.S. [Formation of the west Siberian railway staff skills to work with passengers with disabilities] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Formation of the west Siberian railway staff skills to work with passengers with disabilities

Fadeykina Viktoriya Sergeevna
Siberian transport university, Novosibirsk, Russia

Abstract. The article compares the medical and social models of disability. The author presents the classification of barriers experienced by people with disabilities, gives a brief description of them. The directions of work of Open joint Stock Company «Russian Railways» on formation of accessible environment on railway transport for passengers with disabilities are described. The article presents the experience of training personnel of the West Siberian railway in order to develop skills of servicing passengers with disabilities. The article describes the training programs implemented By the Institute of advanced transport technologies and retraining of personnel of the Siberian state University of Railways, aimed at the formation of staff skills to work with passengers with disabilities. The author presents the results of a study to monitor changes in the level of service of passengers with disabilities on the West Siberian railway in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The study was conducted for three years by means of a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The respondents were front-line staff of the West Siberian railway, trained to serve passengers with disabilities, a total of 142 people. The study showed that over three years, the practical importance of training programs for the formation of skills to work with passengers with disabilities has significantly increased. The analysis made it possible to study the subjective assessment of difficulties when working with passengers with disabilities in railway transport. The author concludes that the staff began to feel more confident when working with this category of passengers. The study made it possible to make an assumption about the increase in the intensity of passenger traffic of people with disabilities on the railway over the past three years. The staff of the West Siberian railway, interacting with passengers in the performance of professional duties, almost daily interact with people with different categories of disability. The study suggested that rail infrastructure is becoming more accessible, more convenient for passengers with disabilities, which increases their mobility and integration into the social space. An important role in creating an accessible environment in railway transport is assigned to the training of personnel, the formation of their willingness to assist and accompany passengers with disabilities in accordance with the principle of customer orientation of the company.

Keywords: models of disability; barriers for passengers with disabilities; passengers with disabilities; Russian Railways; passengers with disabilities; accessible environment; the formation of an accessible environment; staff training; skills development

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