World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Borlykova B.Kh., Menyaev B.V. [Songs of khoshuts of Kalmykia: experience of cluster description of nominal vocabulary] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Songs of khoshuts of Kalmykia: experience of cluster description of nominal vocabulary

Borlykova Boskha Khalgaevna
Kalmyk state university, Elista, Russia

Menyaev Badma Viktorovich
Kalmyk state university, Elista, Russia

Abstract. The article discusses the systematic nature of the folklore vocabulary, in particular, the idea of clusters and cluster analysis is used to identify the national-cultural identity of the personal vocabulary of songs of khoshut Kalmykia in B.V. Menyaeva and B.Kh. Borlykova (2004–2006). All nouns identified from the lyrics of the khoshut songs of Kalmykia were distributed according to the system of S.V. Supryagi into four main clusters: sociofact (6 subclusters – “terms of kinship and kinship relations”, “age nominations of a person”, “names of peoples, ethnic and subethnic groups, and also clans (ethnonyms)”, “names of professions and occupations, titles and ranks, ranks and other social statuses”, “personal names (anthroponyms)”, “names of statuses of interpersonal relations”), natural fact (5 subclusters – “names natural phenomena of objects and objects, names of places and spatial objects”, “toponyms”, “faunistic terms”, “floristic terms”, “temporal vocabulary”), mentifact (3 subclusters “names of abstract concepts designating a process”, “religionyms”, “theonyms”) And an artifact (“names of horse harness”, “names of dwelling and its parts”, “names of clothes”). The author comes to the conclusion that in the vocabulary of khoshut songs the most voluminous are the clusters of «natural facts» (7 subclusters, 47 tokens) and «sociofact» (6 subclusters, 46 tokens). 2 clusters belong to small numbers: “artifact” (3 subclusters, 17 tokens) and “mentifact” (3 subclusters, 5 tokens). The cluster approach to learning the language of songs of the khoshut Kalmykia made it possible to identify nuclear and peripheral vocabulary, to show the connections of each of the tokens in the cluster. The cluster is presented in the form of a system of interconnected subclusters that make up the integral characteristic of a particular fragment of the song’s picture of the world.

Keywords: songs; khoshuts; Kalmykia; vocabulary; cluster; subcluster; naturpack; artifact; sociofact; mentifact

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