World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Ivanyan E.P. [For what shampoo in the novel «Monastery», or about the world of verbal being] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

For what shampoo in the novel «Monastery», or about the world of verbal being

Ivanyan Elena Pavlovna
Samara state university of social sciences and education, Samara, Russia

Abstract. The article shows that the novel «Monastery» presents an independent layer – the world of the Russian word, that is, the verbal world of being is modeled. The characteristic of this special layer, the world of philological reflection, is given. The signs of elements of the world of the Russian word have been revealed: the primacy of the world of the Russian word over the substantive world of the novel, manifested in the interpretation of what is happening through the prism of linguistic facts (rather than real ones); allusions to demiurg activity (text fragments with creation of verbal world, naming to others); updating of the central nominations of the lexico-semantic field «Word», oriented to the world of the Russian word («poetry», «verses»); case-law phenomena reflecting Russian language consciousness (folklore: sentences, folk fairy tales, songs; songs of the 20th century; precedents of Russian classics and Silver Age entering into correspondence dialogue with classics of world literature); the phenomenon of recursion as self-reproduction, in which part and whole, recursivity of the novel itself, the layer of the world of the Russian word, elements of this layer (artistic techniques mise en abime and Droste effect). The article identifies and characterizes the types of recursion on three grounds (by the distance between repeating elements; by the number of repetitions; on a way of repetition). Among the characteristic signs of the world of the Russian word are mentioned metatextic threads containing seeds of speech, thinking, representations, the article shows that metatextic threads are used to implement the principle of recursion, to double the world of the novel to the substantive and world of the Russian word. These signs distinguish elements of the world of the Russian word from nominations of the verbal system of the novel. It has been proved that the apparent «error» in the use of the word «shampoo» in the description of the events of the 20th century is due to the principle of functional lexicology, which takes into account interprentant and interpreter in cognitive-semiological theory of the word. The word «shampoo» master word used, focusing on communication «author – reader», the reader of the XXI century language semiosis «shampoo» is close and understandable.

Keywords: verbal being; verbal reflection; Prilepin; functional lexicology; recursion; interpretation; world of the Russian word; art techniques by Droste; mise en abime; metatext threads; semiologichesky approach

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