World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Peredelskiy A.A., Zhong Lei [The art of war: sports and official and applied strategy of martial arts and martial arts in the context of the tract «Sun Tzu art of war»] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

The art of war: sports and official and applied strategy of martial arts and martial arts in the context of the tract «Sun Tzu art of war»

Peredelskiy Aleksey Anatolʹevich
Russian state university of physical education, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow, Russia

Zhong Lei
Russian state university of physical education, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article is devoted to a complete and systematic analysis of the ancient Chinese treatise The Art of Sun Tzu War. The main task of the material posted below is to use the theses on military strategy and tactics of Sun Tzu (who is deservedly considered the greatest military theorist in world history) to extrapolate his ideas in the specialized field of physical culture and sports, applied to this military-political treatise.

The problem that caused the relevance of this work is that many modern authors interpret the concepts of “strategy” and “tactics” in sports and applied martial arts in different ways, which greatly complicates the formation of a unified and correct understanding of these terms.

In addition, modern sports theories and techniques in a number of tactical and strategic aspects differ significantly from the ancient Chinese, which many experts consider as classic examples. Therefore, almost every fragment of the Sun Tzu treatise has methodological support developed by the authors of the article as applied to the practice of conducting contact martial arts based on striking techniques.

Given the culturological specificity of the ancient Chinese ethos (as socio-ethical-political teachings), the material in this article should be classified as philosophical and culturological, but with clearly expressed applied aspects.

Keywords: Sun Tzu treatise; strategy; tactics; sports; duel

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