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For citation:
Andrianov K.N., Kotova N.E., Chernysheva T.K. [The state and directions of improving the state pension system in the planning system of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/67SCSK419.pdf (in Russian).
The state and directions of improving the state pension system in the planning system of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation
Andrianov Konstantin Nikolaevich
Financial university under the Government of the Russia, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: k_andrianov@list.ru
Kotova Natalya Evgenʹevna
Financial university under the Government of the Russia, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: nkotova@fa.ru
Chernysheva Tatʹyana Konstantinovna
Financial university under the Government of the Russia, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: TKChernysheva@fa.ru
Abstract. This article provides a general analysis of the state of the pension system in the Russian Federation, and assesses its ability to perform its tasks. In addition, the main weaknesses and bottlenecks of the current pension legislation in Russia are revealed. Also, in this article, the authors reveal the features, weaknesses and bottlenecks of the modern pension legislation of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, the authors give practical recommendations and suggestions (including organizational, economic and legislative) on the development of the pension system of the Russian Federation (including on the content of a potential Strategy to improve the level and quality of life of older people in the Russian Federation (containing, among other things, the Program networks of leisure, educational, and high-tech rehabilitation and gerontological centers; The program for the development of rehabilitation and health tourism for citizens of retirement age The program for the creation and development of a geriatric service. In addition, the authors also proposed supporting measures to improve the level and quality of life of pensioners, in particular: the development and implementation of the state program «Creating jobs for people of retirement age», and the creation of a demographically oriented pension system (family pension capital systems).
In conclusion, the authors conclude that the implementation of the measures proposed by them in this article will create all the conditions and opportunities for providing our retirees with a decent old age and active longevity, and that this should become one of the priority tasks of the government.
Keywords: pensioners; pensions; pension system; pension legislation; pensions; pension reforms; pension insurance; solidarity system; funded system
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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