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For citation:
Zhamankozova A.T. [Theoretical judgment tragic in the Kazakh literature] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/41FLSK419.pdf (in Russian).
Theoretical judgment tragic in the Kazakh literature
Zhamankozova Arilana Tulendievna
L.N. Gumilyov eurasian national university, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: arilana70@mail.ru
Abstract. In article theoretical bases tragic in literature are opened. The author studied works of classics of the Russian literary criticism, the academic schools and approaches in the solution of the stated problem. Is of particular importance tragic as an artistry mode in which resolution of conflict acts as type of author’s emotionality. The author considers that he tragic in the work of art addresses internal depths of a human soul and helps disclosure and assessment of events through the absolute valuable center of the personality. This center is the system of values of the hero which both the author, and the reader treat as to «I-in-world», empathizing with it all peripetias of tragic fight. The author notes that as the contents close to tragic in literature, drama acts. The proximity of categories is defined by many positions. As well as in tragic, in drama fight, intensity of emotions, suffering and even death is possible. The author considers that the main categorial characteristic tragic, distinguishing him from other categories, is the irreconcilability. The author proves that he tragic is independent literary and esthetic category in the Kazakh literature. The author studies specifics tragic, components and style forming factors. In article reveals that the tragic element allows to find the truth, gives an objective assessment to real life, history and a role of the personality in it, becoming the main estimated criterion of surrounding reality. The author presented the tragic conflict generating a new situation and which is followed by action, advance. The tragic hero of the Kazakh literature not only the strong personality but, first of all, thinking, reflecting. The tragical element cannot leave literature and social thought as it is initially inherent in life. It means that tragic – category out of time, eternal, not subject to promptly changing world.
Keywords: tragic; tragic hero; tragic conflict; tragical element; tragic circumstances; emotional reflection; artistry mode; literary and esthetic category
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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