World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Dzhabrailova V.S., Alekseeva O.P., Zaripova N.R. [Translation strategies of TED Talks as a new linguistic phenomenon] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Translation strategies of TED Talks as a new linguistic phenomenon

Dzhabrailova Valida Saidovna
Moscow state university of humanities and economics, Moscow, Russia

Alekseeva Olga Pavlovna
Moscow state university of humanities and economics, Moscow, Russia

Zaripova Nelly Rinatovna
Moscow state university of humanities and economics, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The relevance of the research is due to the insufficient study of such a new format for popularizing scientific thought as TED Talks texts from the point of view of translation studies. Questions of genre-functional affiliation and the main characteristics of this linguistic phenomenon remain open. The authors of the study aimed to identify the most effective translation strategy for popular science lectures by analyzing existing translations of TED Talks texts. The objectives of the study were to determine the functional features of the genre of popular science lectures; consideration of the typology of the texts of TED Talks speeches and identification of the main translation model for translating a popular science speech from English into Russian. The informality of presentation and orientation towards the average recipient are the main requirements for popular science lectures aimed at popularizing science in society. The speeches have inherent features of popular science, journalistic styles. Its main features include the relevance of the material; logical sequence of presentation, omission of a significant part of the evidence base, orientation to extralinguistic factors, stylistic mobility, representative idiostyle, emotionality and expressiveness of speech. Translation of TED Talks texts is impossible without a step-by-step analysis, the role of which is performed by translation tactics, within the framework of the established translation strategy. Having classified six different tactics that cover most of the linguistic levels of the texts in question, an analysis of their practical application and effectiveness is carried out. The authors suggest that the selected translation tactics should be productive; however, they do not include a complete list of recommendations for the translation of this type of text. The most common used tactics when translating texts of public lectures are tactics of reproducing the stylistic characteristics of a text, tactics of text pragmatic adaptation, and tactics of reproducing author’s individual style.

Keywords: popular scientific lecture; TED Talks; popular scientific style; video lectures; translation strategy; translation transformations; information explication tactics

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