World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Denisova A.V. [Ethno-cultural peculiarities of cognitive components of linguistic identity: conceptual and methodological basis of the research] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Ethno-cultural peculiarities of cognitive components of linguistic identity: conceptual and methodological basis of the research

Denisova Anastasia Valeryevna
Southern federal university, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Institute of philology, journalism and intercultural communication

Abstract. The article is dedicated to analysing primary notions on which modern methodology of studying ethnocultural peculiarities of cognitive activity is based. Significance of this goal is defined by the necessity of studying in detail ethnocultural peculiarities of the linguistic identity cognition and the perspectives of keeping it in the conditions of the increased pressure of globalisation processes in culture on the ethnic sphere of concepts and ethno-cultural identity. The author refers to the considerable selection of domestic research in philology, sociolinguistics and linguacultural studies, where contemporary scientific perceptions of linguistic identity, its structure, features of its cognitive activity are presented. The goal of the article is to specify methodological and conceptual basis of sociolinguistic studies of ethno-cultural aspects of the concept and ethnic sphere of concepts of the nation. To achieve the set task main messages and approaches of modern methodology studying linguacultural concept are explained in the article. The author stipulates the methodological value of studying how language functions, in particular, cognition from the perspective of the personality as a subject of linguistical activity. Alongside with that the interconnection between the structure of cognitive concept and value components is identified, as well as the necessity of applying interdisciplinary synthesis to study it. The nature and dynamics of the sphere of concepts, ethnocultural and ethnolinguistic factors of its formation are analysed on the basis of reviewing a set of mostly valuable notions of sociolinguistics and linguacultural studies. The author considers in detail the cognitive level of the linguistic identity, in particular, studies the nature of cultural concept, explains the heuristic potential of this notion to study the cognitive activity, briefly focuses of existing approaches to studying the concept, notifying methodological significance of considering cognitive activity of linguistic identity with all its structural levels, verbal, cognitive and pragmatical-communicative, being unified. Reflecting on the influence of current situation, namely, globalisation processes in culture, on the dynamics of ethnonational sphere of concepts, the author especially highlights the connection between the sphere of concept of a nation and ethnocultural identity, underlining the significance of preserving them for cultural reproduction.

Keywords: language identity; cognition; lingua-cultural concept; ethnocultural (national) sphere of concepts; mindset; cognitive components; value components; ethnic linguistic type; ethnocultural identity

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