World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2023, Volume 14, Issue 4

World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2023, Volume 14, Issue 4


Aganson G.I. Palliative care in modern Russia: appearance and functions
Identification number of article: 81SCSK423

Bistyaikina D.A., Kasarkina E.N., Solovyova T.V. Activating social assistance to the family: regional experience
Identification number of article: 04SCSK423

Gabaraeva M.R., Chibirova Z.A. The idea of decolonization of Russia and the North Caucasus: modern context (based on the results of content analysis of publications in Telegram)
Identification number of article: 16SCSK423

Efimova A.I., Kalachina O.S. Marital violence in the focus of sociological research
Identification number of article: 56SCSK423

Kalachina O.S. Dynamics of the population’s attitude towards immigrants: a regional aspect
Identification number of article: 27SCSK423

Karpikova I.S. New trends in the functioning of social protection mechanisms
Identification number of article: 69SCSK423

Kirdyashkina T.I. Problems of employment in conditions of shortage of personnel: causes and trends
Identification number of article: 72SCSK423

Kudryavtsev A.N., Trunova S.N. Some aspects that influence the thinking and behavior of a manager: consequences and consequences in management
Identification number of article: 74SCSK423

Manukovskaya L.A., Jukova M.V., Kharyanova L.V. The influence of socio-economic factors on the demographic situation in large and large cities of the Altai Territory
Identification number of article: 60SCSK423

Miryukova M.A., Terskova S.G. Procedural and technological foundations for the formation of subjective well-being of children left without parental care in the conditions of a social rehabilitation center: sociological analysis
Identification number of article: 11SCSK423

Mukhametzyanova A.R. Accessibility of the urban environment for persons with disabilities with various types of mobility restrictions (on accessibility studies in the Republic of Mordovia)
Identification number of article: 66SCSK423

Petropolsky D.I. The relationship of the type of leader with the model of political leadership and the political regime
Identification number of article: 75SCSK423

Petrulevich I.A. Urban identity in the value paradigm modern Russian society
Identification number of article: 83SCSK423

Proshkova Z.V. The dynamics of argumentations in favour of college admission in online journalism
Identification number of article: 08SCSK423

Smirnov N.N. Organizational and managerial barriers to the career of officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Identification number of article: 58SCSK423

Uvarov I.A. Methodological approaches to measuring inequality among convicts in penitentiary society
Identification number of article: 76SCSK423

Fedosova E.V., Kanukova Z.V., Sinanov B.A., Gadieva A.N. Ideas of «decolonization» of the North Caucasus in contemporary public discourse
Identification number of article: 32SCSK423

Fetisova O.V. Teacher success in context of modern principles of Russian higher education
Identification number of article: 79SCSK423

Chudnova O.V. The main directions for increasing the efficiency of social protection of citizens of the Sakhalin region, taking into account the best practices of Russian regions
Identification number of article: 03SCSK423

Shtolʹts L.Yu. Medical tourism as one of the directions of forming a positive image of the country
Identification number of article: 77SCSK423


Abakarova M.A. Lexico-semantic analysis of the concept «family» in the Lak paremiology
Identification number of article: 64FLSK423

Adzieva Eh.S. Comparative analysis of Arabisms in the scientific discourse of British and American English
Identification number of article: 23FLSK423

Antipina O.V., Rakipova V.L. Distant training at the university: linguistic features of normative documentation
Identification number of article: 55FLSK423

Artaev S.N., Bitkeev P.T., Monraev M.U., Suseeva D.A. The language of everyday behavior and basic concepts of the national culture of Kalmyks
Identification number of article: 39FLSK423

Atlashova I.A., Klyushina A.M. Peculiarities of the use of some comparative constructions in the series of detectives by C. McCullough «Carmine Delmonico»
Identification number of article: 09FLSK423

Gavrilova A.A. Poets of «Swings» or social creativity of the masses in the literature of the Volga region in the 20s. 20th century
Identification number of article: 14FLSK423

Gafarova A.S. Metaphorization of German socio-political discourse
Identification number of article: 38FLSK423

Guo R. Symbolic understanding of the grass in Russian and Chinese linguo-cultures
Identification number of article: 44FLSK423

Guslyakova A.V., Kozlova A.I. Linguistic peculiarities of fake publications about the COVID-19 pandemic (on the example of Russian and English-language new media)
Identification number of article: 78FLSK423

Davydova I.V., Prudchenko E.A., Makasheva S.Zh. Realization of expressiveness in an English-language literary text through linguistic units of different levels (on the example of E. Wharton’s story «Roman Fever»)
Identification number of article: 15FLSK423

Dambueva S.V. Chinese сharacter as sign-artifact
Identification number of article: 17FLSK423

Dimitrieva O.A., Gavrilova I.V. Culinary and gastronomic neologisms: semantics, word formation and functioning
Identification number of article: 62FLSK423

Ding L. Phytonyms-names of woody plants in Russian and Chinese phraseological units with a religious component (linguistic and cultural aspect)
Identification number of article: 18FLSK423

Ermolaeva N.Yu. Subjective evaluation suffixes in dialect nouns
Identification number of article: 52FLSK423

Kasatkina T.Yu. A human through the prism of an associative experiment
Identification number of article: 42FLSK423

Kuznetsova A.V. Novelistic narrative in the aspect of text modality
Identification number of article: 02FLSK423

Kuligina E.A. Linguocultural characteristics of the image of Russia in modern Russian-language media text (based on British and American news articles)
Identification number of article: 61FLSK423

Lidzhieva L.A., Lidzhieva D.M., Kharchevnikova R.P., Mandeev N.Yu. Verbal vocabulary in Mongolian languages related to cattle breeding
Identification number of article: 37FLSK423

Lidzhiev M.A., Lidzhieva D.M., Sadalova T.M. Folk traditions of bone-setting among Kalmyks (according to field materials)
Identification number of article: 29FLSK423

Liu Q. The travel narrative in I.S. Turgenev’s «A Hunter’s Sketches»
Identification number of article: 05FLSK423

Mutalov R.O. Nominal morphology of the Dargin languages: the peculiarities in Kubachi and Itzari idioms
Identification number of article: 67FLSK423

Nokhaeva T.Ch., Kitlyaeva S.D., Lidzhiev A.B. Accusative case in Russian language lessons for Iranian-speaking listeners
Identification number of article: 31FLSK423

Rakhimova S.R. Features of the advertising discourse of the metaphorical model «Holiday»
Identification number of article: 22FLSK423

Sivtseva N.A. Verbs of being in the poetic works of A.E. Kulakovsky genre algys (blessing)
Identification number of article: 48FLSK423

Silchenko G.V., Vyushkova I.G. «Autumn Evenings» by P.P. Ershov’s as a metapoetic text
Identification number of article: 49FLSK423

Sorokina T.E. Art journalism: formation of aesthetic taste or satisfying consumer demand?
Identification number of article: 84FLSK423

Spasova M.V., Savelieva O.G. Modern mass-culutre phenomena as the source of culture-specific lexis in the modern English language
Identification number of article: 07FLSK423

Stepanova M.A., Savankova E.V. Modeling the semantic structure of a word: at the intersection of language and law (based on the German lexeme «Diktatfrieden»)
Identification number of article: 20FLSK423

Strizhak U.P. Cognitive basis of lexical choice: semantic and syntactic representation of the concept «love» in Japanese (corpus-based study)
Identification number of article: 65FLSK423

Tolmacheva I.Zh. The representation of cohesion category in newspaper and journalistic texts
Identification number of article: 10FLSK423

Ubushieva B.Eh., Pyurbeev G.T., Kharchevnikova R.P. About some features of the formation of Kalmyk ichthyons
Identification number of article: 35FLSK423

Khabunova E.E., Sadalova T.M., Elbikova B.V. Khabunova E.E., Sadalova T.M., Elbikova B.V.
Identification number of article: 57FLSK423

Kharanutova D.Sh., Syzhen’daolima Chinese borrowings in the language of the Sheneheng Buryats (based on lexicographic sources in the old-written Mongolian language)
Identification number of article: 19FLSK423

Hu Z. Сonvincing and persuading strategies in Russian television advertising (on the material of videoclips about food products)
Identification number of article: 28FLSK423

Chedzhieva Zh.D., Mushaev V.N., Pyurbeev G.T., Ochirova V.S. Wild animals in Kalmyk and English linguocultures (based on phraseological and paremiological units)
Identification number of article: 41FLSK423

Shabalina V.Ya. Violations of the semantic adequacy of written speech as a communicative and pragmatic failure in methodological discourse
Identification number of article: 71FLSK423

Shanina Yu.A. Semantics and functions of garden in the English novel at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries
Identification number of article: 50FLSK423

Shepovskii O.E. Localization in the process of creation of a multilingual web resource
Identification number of article: 36FLSK423

Yuan X. The concept «Way» as a marker of the textual category of space in A.A. Fadeev’s novel «The Rout»
Identification number of article: 26FLSK423

Yagmurova M.S. Social factors in choosing personal names among Turkmens
Identification number of article: 68FLSK423


Andreeva E.V. The study of the artistic image of I.K. Aivazovsky using the comparative method
Identification number of article: 54KLSK423

Valkevich S.I., Shashneva E.N., Maslov V.G. Artistic traditions of Russian folk peasant costume of the XVII–XIX centuries
Identification number of article: 51KLSK423

Wang L., Kurilenko E.N. Self-identification in Chinese culture in the autobiographical travelogue of Ouyang Yuqian
Identification number of article: 33KLSK423

Koyshina E.A., Popova T.A. Prospects for gamification: analysis of students’ perception of the game’s image
Identification number of article: 01KLSK423

Lavrikova D.V. Culturological analysis of the influence of national characteristics of the population on the perception of the brand
Identification number of article: 25KLSK423

Lekus E.Yu. Transformations of the Creator Man’s image in art
Identification number of article: 63KLSK423

Mileshko A.L. Communicative codes in dance culture
Identification number of article: 59KLSK423

Ovodova S.N. Representation of the discourse of the global and local in the art of Damir Muratov
Identification number of article: 70KLSK423

Somova I.Yu., Fedorova E.V. Modern socio-cultural trends in the language education system in Italy
Identification number of article: 30KLSK423

Zhang H., Feng J. Study of the mechanism of «noise cancellation» in communications on the culture of traditional Chinese medicine in Southern Kyrgyzstan on the basis of the Shannon-Weaver model of communication
Identification number of article: 06KLSK423

Zhou G., Kurilenko E.N. Aesthetics of nature and its reflection in musical works of Jean Sibelius
Identification number of article: 34KLSK423

Shvedov I.Yu. On the issue of new media in the culture of mass communications
Identification number of article: 82KLSK423