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For citation:
Kasatkina T.Yu. [A human through the prism of an associative experiment] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/42FLSK423.pdf (in Russian).
A human through the prism of an associative experiment
Kasatkina Tatiana Yurʹevna
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia
E-mail: Tatkas512@yandex.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-3953-1624
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=771951
Abstract. In a comparative aspect, the article examines the associative fields of the lexeme «human» in the Udmurt, Tatar and Bashkir languages based on materials of associative experiments. The aim of the article is to compare and analyze the structure and types of semantic connections within the associative fields of the Udmurt word ADAMI, the Tatar word KESHE and the Bashkir word KESHE in the linguistic consciousness of modern native speakers. The main research method — free associative experiment — provides access to deep semantic structures of memory and reveals stable connections of linguistic units in the minds of representatives of different ethnic groups. The analysis and interpretation of the experimental data revealed a high level of stereotypical reactions of the Udmurts in comparison with the Bashkirs and the Tatars.
The associative fields of the Bashkir and Tatar lexemes KESHE have a large array of individual and different reactions in their structure, which indicates the diversity of semantic, thematic and evaluative connections between the stimulus and the reaction within the associative field. The word «human» in the linguistic consciousness of speakers of the Udmurt, Tatar and Bashkir languages basically evoked paradigmatic reactions.
For the participants of the experimental groups, the following lexical and semantic variants of the word «human» turned out to be the most stable and relevant: (a) an individual capable of thinking and speaking; (b) an individual belonging to a certain living space, organization, environment; (c) an individual related to other people; belonging to a certain class by gender and age; (d) an individual as the owner of the best spiritual and moral qualities.
The results of the research can find wide practical application in the process of teaching national languages as material for studying semantics, lexical and grammatical compatibility of language units according to its associative (field) environment. The results obtained contribute to the solution of a certain range of theoretical problems related to the problem of the development and functioning of word semantics in human linguistic consciousness.
Keywords: associative experiment; associative field; semantics; Udmurt language; Tatar language; Bashkir language; human; interlanguage comparison
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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