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For citation:
Nokhaeva T.Ch., Kitlyaeva S.D., Lidzhiev A.B. [Accusative case in Russian language lessons for Iranian-speaking listeners] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/31FLSK423.pdf (in Russian).
Accusative case in Russian language lessons for Iranian-speaking listeners
Nokhaeva Tsagan Chatyrovna
Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russia
E-mail: caganah@mail.ru
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=1053897
Kitlyaeva Svetlana Dmitrievna
Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russia
E-mail: svetamar08@yandex.ru
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=1030685
Lidzhiev Alexander Borlaevich
Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russia
E-mail: juwali@mail.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9411-162X
Abstract. The article attempts to familiarize with some features of the Russian and Persian languages. The authors have experience teaching Russian as a foreign language in groups of Iranian-speaking listeners and students, namely native speakers of Tajik, Dari and Farsi. Mutual understanding between representatives of these three languages is at a high level. Foreign students, when studying the Russian language, encounter grammatical categories such as the presence of cases, gender, declension, coordination, which are absent in their languages. Russian inconsistencies of this kind lead to speech errors, which often accompany beginners to learn Russian, one of such urgent difficulties is the category of cases in the Russian language. Russian parallels are drawn in the article for a more conscious study of the Russian language, this facilitates the understanding of the grammatical structure and the formation of skills and speech skills in the study of the Russian language. The focus is on one of the important cases of the Russian language — the accusative case, which serves to express a direct object.
In the course of the study, the following results were obtained:
- Russian and Persian languages are considered in the paper, and some parallels are drawn for a more conscious study of the Russian language, which, of course, will facilitate the understanding of the grammatical structure and will allow the formation of skills and speech skills in the study of the Russian language.
- the presence of cases in Russian and their absence in Iranian languages is compensated by a rich set of prepositions, postpositions, isaphetes, etc.
- direct addition for transitive verbs in Russian is used in the accusative case, whereas in Dari and Farsi it is formed by the postposition — را (rā), and in Tajik «-ro».
Russian Russian-speaking students should pay special attention to the case system of the Russian language, since the noun, depending on the function, varies in cases that are absent in the Iranian languages. Therefore, the category of case is one of the biggest difficulties of the grammar of the Russian language at the initial stage, and the use of some examples from the native language can facilitate the perception of the theory of the material being studied, taking into account the peculiarities of the Iranian languages. In this regard, the use of some parallels from the native language will allow you to comprehend the grammar of the Russian language more successfully and rationally, as well as avoid typical mistakes.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language; Russian language; Tajik language; Dari; Farsi; Persian language; accusative case; cases
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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