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For citation:
Rakhimova S.R. [Features of the advertising discourse of the metaphorical model «Holiday»] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/22FLSK423.pdf (in Russian).
Features of the advertising discourse of the metaphorical model «Holiday»
Rakhimova Svetlana Rivnerovna
Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Gymnasium of the city of Labytnangi, Labytnangi, Russia
Ufa University of Science and Technology
Sterlitamak branch, Sterlitamak, Russia
E-mail: Slana_82@inbox.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3797-3477
RSCI: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=1214358
Abstract. Commercial advertising is an integral part of modern society. Its main goal is to promote the product on the market. The author notes that the advertising discourse contributes to the achievement of the goal. He is able to form a buyer’s idea of a product or service due to the presence of an organized system of linguistic units that form metaphorical models. The purpose of the researcher’s work is to study the features of the advertising discourse of the metaphorical «Holiday» model of advertising slogans with the lexeme discount.
The author analyzed 370 advertising slogans of printed outdoor and online advertising. The language material is structured according to various thematic groups, one of which is the «Holiday» group. In this article, the author turned to a group of slogans that appeared on the eve of the Spring and Labor Holiday, Victory Day, as well as the May weekend, which, as it turned out, also contributed to the emergence of a separate advertising discourse.
The researcher describes a metaphorical model of advertising slogans through the techniques and means used by advertisers. These include: wordplay, rhyme, contextual synonyms, lexical antonyms, syntactic and punctuation means.
At the end of the work, the author concludes that this advertising discourse is based on the life experience of the buyer, which allows us to correlate the historically established traditions of celebrating significant dates, the history of their occurrence with the meaning of advertising slogans that appeared during this period.
The advertising discourse includes such concepts as victory, parade, work, rest, as well as lexemes indicating the duration of rest, pastime during this period, traditional attributes of the holiday.
Thanks to this, the advertiser achieves his communicative task of attracting a buyer.
This research is part of the dissertation work on the study of metaphorical models of advertising slogans of commercial advertising.
Keywords: advertising; advertising slogan; advertising discourse; metaphor; metaphorical model; source sphere; target sphere
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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