2022, Volume 13, Issue 4
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
2022, Volume 13, Issue 4
• Arustamov E.A., Shabanova M.V., Leonov V.V., Khomutova I.V., Myagkova E.V. Civil-patriotic model of youth education in modern Russia
Identification number of article: 10SCSK422
• Akhapkin V.N., Malinin A.N., Peredelʹskiy A.A., Rumyantseva E.V. Martial arts in professional-applied physical culture in a civil university
Identification number of article: 35SCSK422
• Bairova Z.M. The image of a «real» man in modern Russia
Identification number of article: 62SCSK422
• Bibikova N.V., Plohova I.A., Grineva E.A. Social adaptation of foreign students in a non-profit organization
Identification number of article: 23SCSK422
• Bozhok N.S., Vedeneeva Ya.V., Tchernetskaya A.A. Current trends in the construction of disability in social networks
Identification number of article: 66SCSK422
• Vorotilkina I.M., Bazhenova N.G., Bazhenov R.I. Modern trends in a healthy lifestyle of students
Identification number of article: 59SCSK422
• Kozin V.V., Kalachina O.S. Migration processes in the Republic of Mordovia: socio-cultural aspects of adaptation of the host country
Identification number of article: 20SCSK422
• Kutovaya S.V. The main barriers to the social integration of older people
Identification number of article: 22SCSK422
• Levina R.A. Students of Russian law universities in the context of the state of the professional educational environment
Identification number of article: 05SCSK422
• Lyapin I.L. National security and the education system
Identification number of article: 03SCSK422
• Matchinova N.V., Zhirnaya O.V., Tokarev D.A. Improving the professional and applied section of physical culture by means of martial arts and martial arts
Identification number of article: 54SCSK422
• Myshko F.G., Kameneva T.N. Risks of teenagers’ communication in the Internet space
Identification number of article: 37SCSK422
• Nemova O.A., Yakovleva O.Yu. Fatherhood as a mechanism for the translation of male values: a phenomenological analysis
Identification number of article: 28SCSK422
• Osipenko E.A. Animal protection in the region: social barriers and limitations
Identification number of article: 08SCSK422
• Pakshina I.A., Kalachina O.S. Symbolic capital of the region in the context of the construction of an ethno-cultural brand (case of the Republic of Mordovia)
Identification number of article: 06SCSK422
• Peredelʹskiy A.A., Nesterov P.V., Mamedov A.A., Kirtoakeh A., Akhapkin V.N. Mythologization of modern sports or «back to the future»
Identification number of article: 34SCSK422
• Petrulevich I.A. Resocialization of former prisoners: problem-conceptual field of the sociological approach
Identification number of article: 61SCSK422
• Proshkova Z.V., Yeremenko Ya.Ye. Education in online schools in assessments of the older family generation
Identification number of article: 04SCSK422
• Pushkareva N.N., Gvozdeva E.V. Opportunities and prospects student sports in the assessments of Russian youth
Identification number of article: 18SCSK422
• Rychikhina Eh.N., Borovikova A.M., Neskorodeva E.P. Monitoring of social networks in the information support of public administration
Identification number of article: 64SCSK422
• Slanova A.Yu. Migration processes in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania since 2018 early 2022
Identification number of article: 51SCSK422
• Snezhko G.E. Time as a tool of socio-humanitarian knowledge
Identification number of article: 63SCSK422
• Uvarov I.A. Relatives of persons sentenced to imprisonment as an object of sociological research
Identification number of article: 38SCSK422
• Abakarova M.A. The implementation of the conception of friendship and enmity on the basis of structural and semantic analysis of Lak proverbs
Identification number of article: 52FLSK422
• Arkhipova I.V. Actualization of taxis in the German language
Identification number of article: 01FLSK422
• Baksheeva M.G., Islamova Yu.V. Linguocultural analysis of locative toponyms (according to A. Reguli’s «Ethnographic and Geographical Map of the Northern Urals»)
Identification number of article: 07FLSK422
• Gerasimova S.A. Female images in Mansi heroic songs and fairy tales
Identification number of article: 55FLSK422
• Dubrovskaia K.E. Modern Chinese textbooks: problems of relevance and objectivity
Identification number of article: 29FLSK422
• Epifanova E.A., Yurkina T.N. Color associations associated with vowel sounds of the Russian language
Identification number of article: 31FLSK422
• Kindikova A.V. The originality of literary anthroponyms in the artistic space of Boris Ukachin
Identification number of article: 27FLSK422
• Kinderknekht A.S. The conflict understanding evolution in modern scientific knowledge
Identification number of article: 02FLSK422
• Korneeva A.Kh. Zooanthtroponims in the Russian and Kalmyk languages in a comparative aspect
Identification number of article: 43FLSK422
• Korobova N.V., Kolosova T.Yu., Tsybina N.A. The strategies and tactics of image-building of Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Elisabeth II
Identification number of article: 09FLSK422
• Lidzhieva L.A., Lidzhieva D.M., Mandeev N.Yu. Reflection of pastoral activity in the proverbs and sayings of the Kalmyks of Russia and the Oirats of China (linguoculturological analysis)
Identification number of article: 13FLSK422
• Liu L. A brief analysis of the influence of the image of «superfluous people» in Pushkin’s works on Russian literature of the 19th century
Identification number of article: 48FLSK422
• Mallaliev G.N. Genre of literary epitaph in Tabasaran poetry
Identification number of article: 53FLSK422
• Manchurina L.E. Monitoring the use of the Yakut language in republican periodicals (with the example of the newspapers Kyym, Sakha Sire, Encieli)
Identification number of article: 12FLSK422
• Marsova V.V. On the status of compound sentence in Old French (on theexample of the «Chronicle of the Conquest of Constantinople by Francs from G. Villehardouin»)
Identification number of article: 14FLSK422
• Mutalov R.O. The peculiarities of the phonetic system of the Gapshima dialect of the northern Dargin language
Identification number of article: 47FLSK422
• Sadalova T.M. About the functions of the theme of heroic «dynasties» in the Central Asian epic
Identification number of article: 45FLSK422
• Skryabina A.A., Borisova Yu.M. Obsolete and dialectal words in the fishing vocabulary of the Yakut language
Identification number of article: 24FLSK422
• Sorokina T.E. Transformations of “museum’s” art journalism in the digital age
Identification number of article: 60FLSK422
• Strizhak U.P. Japanese beneficial structures as a factor in reducing the agentivity of the utterance
Identification number of article: 33FLSK422
• Tkachenko O.Yu., Shit’kova M.M. Artistic definition as a verbal method of image creation in the texts of F.M. Dostoevsky
Identification number of article: 42FLSK422
• Uarova O.V. Representation features of social conflict in the novel «Nice Work» by D. Lodge
Identification number of article: 11FLSK422
• Ubushieva B.Eh., Pyurbeev G.T., Kharchevnikova R.P. Lexico-semantic features of monetary nomination in the Kalmyk language (based on folklore works)
Identification number of article: 41FLSK422
• Chedzhieva Zh.D., Mushaev V.N., Bitkeev P.T., Kovaleva T.I. The conceptual sphere of ‘labor’ in the Kalmyk and English linguistic cultures (based on proverbs and sayings)
Identification number of article: 39FLSK422
• Zhu Yu. Features of the implementation of the emotional category in online videos such as «family reports»
Identification number of article: 17FLSK422
• Yusupov F.Yu. V.V. Radlov’s teaching on Turkic-Tatar phonetics
Identification number of article: 25FLSK422
• Yakovleva A.S., Pogorelova S.D. An axiological component in the public speech (on the example of the politicians P.A. Stolypin and L.I. Brezhnev)
Identification number of article: 49FLSK422
• Dylkova S.V. Music as one of the most important factors that model the scope of a person’s culture
Identification number of article: 46KLSK422
• Nabilkina L.N. The island as a concept of Anglo-Saxon exclusiveness
Identification number of article: 16KLSK422
• Khvoshchevskaia I.V. Basic values as an element of cultural identity
Identification number of article: 44KLSK422
• Shashneva E.N., Mihailov A.A. India in the works of K.D. Balmont: cultural paradigms of Buddhism
Identification number of article: 21KLSK422