World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2022, Vol. 13, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Matchinova N.V., Zhirnaya O.V., Tokarev D.A. [Improving the professional and applied section of physical culture by means of martial arts and martial arts] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Improving the professional and applied section of physical culture by means of martial arts and martial arts

Matchinova Nina Viktorovna
Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Kaluga branch, Kaluga, Russia

Zhirnaya Olʹga Vladimirovna
Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Kaluga branch, Kaluga, Russia

Tokarev Dmitriy Anatolʹevich
Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The relevance of the topic of the study presented below is determined by the need for basic training of both the military and civilian population of Russia for active forceful counteraction to external and internal enemies of our Motherland by means of martial arts and martial arts at the objects of mass education of the social contingent, including at the departments of physical education (physical culture) of agrarian universities in the country.

However, it is assumed that specially selected and correctly grouped technical and psychological techniques (elements) of martial arts in synthesis with the practice of applying martial arts tactics can successfully complete the professionally applied task.

The aim of the study is the organization and subsequent evaluation of the results of the experimental introduction of the FM system into the practice of conducting physical education classes in an agricultural university, more precisely, in the Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.

Organization and methodology of the study. To test the degree of applicability of the FM system as a model of professional-applied training of students of an agricultural university in physical education classes, several experimental training groups were identified, consisting almost exclusively of their girls.

In order to adapt the body and psyche to non-specific techniques for physical culture, the gymnastic and athletics parts of the warm-up, as well as the game training of students, were adjusted accordingly.

The first stage of the experiment lasted one semester (from early September to mid-December 2022) and ended with an intermediate pedagogical, or rather, psychological and pedagogical testing.

Findings. Based on the results of intermediate testing, the following preliminary results can be summed up, and therefore require subsequent additional verification:

  • at the first stage, the total level of assimilation of material among girls on average outstrips this indicator among boys. For example, in terms of flexibility, only three boys managed to reach the level of girls who received credit. The exceptions are indicators of strength and sharpness (acceleration in the final phase of movement, action, motor act) of performing techniques. Here, more than 70 percent of boys are quite naturally ahead of girls, and all of them;
  • in the experimental group of girls who attended physical education classes regularly and without significant gaps, more than 63 percent of the contingent successfully, that is, «excellent», «good» and «satisfactory» coped with the planned test indicators (mainly those who In the past, he was involved in dancing or non-martial arts sports). For comparison, let us point out that less than 18 percent of the contingent coped with the planned test indicators with “good” and “excellent” marks;
  • 11 girls and 6 boys dropped out of the experimental group due to transfer to taekwondo, boxing and kickboxing sections.

The general conclusion based on the results of intermediate testing at the first stage of the experiment is a preliminary substantiated thesis that female students of an agricultural university in the context of professional and applied training, on average, showed themselves to be more successful and motivated than male students. Naturally, this conclusion applies only to those students who did not have a significant (more than 2 years) experience in this or that type of martial arts in the past.

Keywords: professional-applied section of physical culture; martial arts; martial arts; training of military and civilian contingent; active force resistance; department of physical education (physical culture) of an agrarian university; experiment; pedagogical testing

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