2020, Volume 11, Issue 1
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
2020, Volume 11, Issue 1
• Belevich A.A. Personnel rotation as a system element in staff management of organization
Identification number of article: 12SCSK120
• Gabueva A.R. Reasons for the emergence of new religious movements in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal district of the Russian Federation
Identification number of article: 29SCSK120
• Golovina O.V., Cherney S.V., Zabelina N.V. Organization of information support in social service institutions for families raising children with limiting opportunities
Identification number of article: 32SCSK120
• Deev A.S., Chernomorchenko S.I., Krasovskaya N.V. Trolling: psychological violence and the inversion of discourse
Identification number of article: 28SCSK120
• Zyazin S.Yu. Mechanisms for the re-socialization of prisoners and persons who have served their sentences in prison
Identification number of article: 46SCSK120
• Korop M.M. The commodification of communication: price and value
Identification number of article: 38SCSK120
• Kravets A.V., Outioganov A.A. Hierarchy of value structures among cadets of the military Institute of the national guard of the Russian Federation
Identification number of article: 15SCSK120
• Krivoukhov A.A. To assess the level of personal security in the information and communication environment by the criminal
Identification number of article: 04SCSK120
• Mikhalchenkova N.A., Bolshakov S.N., Bolshakova Ju.M. Social factors of research of deviated behavior
Identification number of article: 35SCSK120
• Musiichuk M.V. Historical memory in drawings and cartoons of the magazine «Crocodile» (1941–1945) through the prism of wit techniques
Identification number of article: 13SCSK120
• Napso M.D. Ethnocultural marginality as the characteristic of a modern society
Identification number of article: 11SCSK120
• Nevelichko L.G., Vorotilkina I.M., Schetinina S.Yu., Sinyukov V.A. Social identity in the age structure of the inhabitants of the Jewish Autonomous Region
Identification number of article: 39SCSK120
• Osadchaya G.I., Seleznеv I.A., Leskova I.V., Yudina T.N. The experience of formation of a common social area in the European Union and the Eurasian realities
Identification number of article: 08SCSK120
• Petrova E.V., Dashibalova I.N. Interethnic consent and the basis of trust in Buryatiya (based on the results of sociological research 2018–2019)
Identification number of article: 37SCSK120
• Ruslyakova E.E., Morozov E.A. The relationship of distributed energy and society: the psychosocial aspect
Identification number of article: 03SCSK120
• Telmanova E.D. Formation of the social competence of the handicraftsmen-businessmen
Identification number of article: 36SCSK120
• Akimova A.S., Fedorova E.P. Terminographic analysis of the “Dictionary of linguistic terms of the Yakut language” by M.A. Cherosov
Identification number of article: 33FLSK120
• Argounov V.V., Fedorova C.I. The specific features of creative metaphors in English-language sports discourse
Identification number of article: 27FLSK120
• Budnikova N.N. Functions of extra-linguistic signs in the disintegrative syntactic process of insertion (based on the material of literary texts created at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries)
Identification number of article: 26FLSK120
• Dovger O.P., Nikitina E.A., Сhaplygina O.V., Gribova N.S. Lexical and semantic characteristics of eponymous terminology (by example of English economic discourse)
Identification number of article: 21FLSK120
• Zimina I.V., Efimova T.O. The concept of «Pride» in the religious, scientific and phraseological pictures of the world
Identification number of article: 14FLSK120
• Karpova N.S. The concept WEDDING in the Chuvash linguoculture (based on material from the Aurgazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Identification number of article: 07FLSK120
• Kireeva Yu.N., Kazyutina E.S., Surova M.N. Functioning of foreign language inclusions in modern Russian
Identification number of article: 43FLSK120
• Mahmoud Agha M. Phraseologisms and epithet as a linguistic means of creating an image on restaurant advertising online
Identification number of article: 10FLSK120
• Nedostup O.I. Speech strategies in pathoanatomic discourse: the communicative aspect
Identification number of article: 45FLSK120
• Novikova L.V. Contents of the Language and Culture course as the representation of the core of the cultural environment
Identification number of article: 42FLSK120
• Petrova E.A., Petukhova E.V. The author’s individual style in English prose (based on R. Joyce’ collection of stories “A Snow Garden”)
Identification number of article: 24FLSK120
• Sablina O.B. Formation of linguistic and cultural competence of high school students by studying ornithological content in phraseological units of the German language
Identification number of article: 22FLSK120
• Sergodeev I.V. Poetic text as an ethical and aesthetical system. Types, levels and functions of a poetic text (exemplified by English poetry)
Identification number of article: 06FLSK120
• Statsenko A.N., Samokhina O.V. The role of audiovisual learning tools in teaching Russian as a foreign language for the advanced level
Identification number of article: 34FLSK120
• Fedorenkova V.S. Classification of substitutive words of the even language by categorical meaning
Identification number of article: 18FLSK120
• Fedorkiv L.A. Functional and semantic characteristic of the muj pronoun in the Khanty language
Identification number of article: 23FLSK120
• Filatova E.M. The experimental basis for the formation of Russian stable comparisons synonymous paradigms
Identification number of article: 01FLSK120
• Fliginskih Yu.Yu. Ways to create a speech portrait of a character (on the example of the image of the Bassoon-Koroviev in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov «The Master and Margarita»)
Identification number of article: 02FLSK120
• Hu Buqin To the question of mongolian anthroponyms with a numbering component
Identification number of article: 31FLSK120
• Tsydendambaeva O.S. The concept of human life in a euphemistic picture of the world based on the material of English, German, Russian, Buryat languages
Identification number of article: 44FLSK120
• Kurumchina A.E. The problem of developing skills in the designing and implementation of sociocultural projects in full-time undergraduate students
Identification number of article: 16KLSK120
• Lavrikova I.N., Krizhovetskaya O.M. Business suit as a tool of professional communication: from the origins to the present day
Identification number of article: 25KLSK120
• Mishchenko I.E. To the problems of the formation of the sociocultural identity of the army with educational tools
Identification number of article: 19KLSK120
• Pallotta V.I., Sichkar T.V. Outdoor advertising as an element of social and cultural space of a modern city
Identification number of article: 05KLSK120
• Rukovishnikov Yu.S. Modern fair in the system of urban festive culture (on the example of the “White” fair in Krasnoyarsk)
Identification number of article: 40KLSK120