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For citation:
Tsydendambaeva O.S. [The concept of human life in a euphemistic picture of the world based on the material of English, German, Russian, Buryat languages] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/44FLSK120.pdf (in Russian).
The concept of human life in a euphemistic picture of the world based on the material of English, German, Russian, Buryat languages
Tsydendambaeva Oyuna Sergeevna
East Siberia state university of technology and management, Ulan-Ude, Russia
E-mail: ozdojuna@inbox.ru
Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of euphemisms in multisystem languages, from the standpoint of how they reflect a certain vision of the world by a person and how to conceptualize it in a language, how they reflect the cognitive experience of a person, and his self-consciousness. Euphemisms remain to date insufficiently studied. Meanwhile, the study of the linguistic expression of key cultural concepts is one of the most important programs of modern linguistics, the need for a linguocultural approach to the analysis of euphemisms in languages, its consideration in the light of modern sociocultural changes that make the appeal to euphemisms and the values reflected by them especially timely.
The concept and phenomenon called “human life” is a universal that exists in any culture. This universal is multifaceted, with the apparent evidence of content, it is very difficult to determine, it is interpreted and conceptualized differently in different languages and cultures. Understanding of life, attitude to life in any linguistic culture is a basic guideline of human behavior, which determines ethnospecific norms and stereotypes of communication, as well as the mentality of native speakers.
In this paper, on the basis of the studied corpus of euphemisms, we attempted to simulate the concept of “human life” for the reconstruction of fragments of the picture of the world of speakers of diverse systems of languages.
When studying the concept of “human life”, connotations associated with concepts about the family and home as the main attributes of human life are characteristic.
The research used the following methods: general scientific – analysis and synthesis, special methods of semantic analysis, modeling, definitional and conceptual analysis.
Keywords: concept; euphemism; picture of the world; metaphor; metonymy; personification; universals; national-marked vocabulary; substitute; mentality
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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