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For citation:
Mikhalchenkova N.A., Bolshakov S.N., Bolshakova Ju.M. [Social factors of research of deviated behavior] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/35SCSK120.pdf (in Russian).
Social factors of research of deviated behavior
Mikhalchenkova Natalya Alekseeva
P.A. Sorokin Syktyvkar state university, Syktyvkar, Russia
Institute of art education and cultural studies of the Russian academy of education, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: mehedova@yandex.ru
Bolshakov Sergey Nokolaevitch
Leningrad state university named after A.S. Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Institute of art education and cultural studies of the Russian academy of education, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: Snbolshakov@mail.ru
Bolshakova Julia Mikhaylovna
Leningrad state university named after A.S. Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Institute of political psychology and applied political studies
Institute of art education and cultural studies of the Russian academy of education, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: academy.prof.com@gmail.com
Abstract. The article analyzes theoretical aspects of the formation the socio-cultural values of the individual, construction of norms and social regulations of the consistent development of children, their abilities for moral and ethical judgment. The article focuses on the importance of the role parental authority in teaching and demonstrating social, moral and ethical values. The studies reviewed in the article provide a series of studies analyzing the problems of modern society, children’s adaptation to transforming norms and values of multiculturalism. The article states that the theory of socialization recognizes the fundamental importance of positive communication between parents and the child, the formation of a family structure based on mutual trust, care, which increases the effectiveness of socialization of the child. The article reveals a structurally functionalist approach to deviation that deconstructs a model of deviating behavior that plays an important role in society, defines the parameters of the model that are acceptable and unacceptable in society. These social dimensions create boundaries and include the mental construct of loyalty to society to all its members. The article states that in the framework of the structurally functionalist approach, deviance plays various roles in creating social stability.
The article reveals the content of process socialization as a necessary construct of society, which demonstrates certain advantages and disadvantages. The prevailing cultural norms, values, assumptions and beliefs in society guide the process, which may not always be a neutral indicator of processes. For example, this may mean that socialization can reproduce prejudices that often lead to forms of social injustice and inequality.
Keywords: deviation; social process; inculturation; socialization; values
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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