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For citation:
Kurumchina A.E. [The problem of developing skills in the designing and implementation of sociocultural projects in full-time undergraduate students] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/16KLSK120.pdf (in Russian).
The problem of developing skills in the designing and implementation of sociocultural projects in full-time undergraduate students
Kurumchina Anna Edkhemovna
Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: a.aspelt@gmail.com; a.e.kurumchina@urfu.ru
Abstract. In the modern world, culture is considered not only as a force shaping and developing personality, but also as an important part of the economic development of a region and a country. The design and management of socio-cultural activities is closely related to the cultural policy program, which is adopted in our country and is spelled out in a document called “Fundamentals of the State Cultural Policy”. For actions to be effective and lead to planned results, sociocultural processes must be carefully planned. The author has shown that the training of students studying socio-cultural activities, design, and art and advertising services in such a discipline as “Project Management in Socio-Cultural Activities” seems to be very relevant. In the framework of this article, many years of experience in teaching the discipline «Project Management in Socio-Cultural Activities» to full-time students of the undergraduate department of the Department of «Cultural Studies and Design» of UGI, UrFU are considered. The author of the article demonstrates that within the discipline, students get acquainted with several approaches to project management: traditional, which is subject to international certification IPMA, Agile and the theory of controlled chaos. We teach students how to choose a project idea, methods for assessing its effectiveness and investment attractiveness, teach how to manage the time and cost of a project, analyze the basic principles of building a project team, the rules for selecting a team, and also give knowledge on change management. An important part of the work is devoted to the development of software project activities. The main methodological principle of mastering this discipline is the requirement to implement the project, which is confirmed by copies of contracts, checks, analytical, financial and photo reports.
Keywords: design of social and cultural projects; project management; social and cultural activities; theory of culture; cultural policy; theory of controlled chaos; Agile
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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