2021, Volume 12, Issue 4
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
2021, Volume 12, Issue 4
• Byazrova T.T. Factors of socialization and desocialization of modern youth
Identification number of article: 52SCSK421
• Golubeva M.O. Problems of online education during the pandemic
Identification number of article: 53SCSK421
• Grimov O.A. Civic and political network communities: structural and value-based target-oriented aspects
Identification number of article: 10SCSK421
• Ivanov V.V., Konikov S.L., Malinin A.N., Peredelsky A.A. Redundancy and professionally applied nature of training in physical culture and sports
Identification number of article: 44SCSK421
• Kalachina O.S. Domestic violence: the causes of the spread and personal strategies to counteract
Identification number of article: 33SCSK421
• Kuznetsova A.V., Petrulevich I.A. Urban identity and the image of the city in the communicative paradigm of toponymy
Identification number of article: 43SCSK421
• Mkheidze L.R., Asrieva E.N., Semenova E.Kh. Hybrid (blended) staff learning in modern organizations: content, prerequisites, models
Identification number of article: 58SCSK421
• Nemova O.A., Svadbina T.V. The interaction of the family and the preschool institution in ensuring the cultural and moral education of the child (Nizhny Novgorod experience)
Identification number of article: 34SCSK421
• Pakshina I.A. Discourse of anxiety in the social media of the region
Identification number of article: 26SCSK421
• Peredelsky A.A., Ivanov V.V., Pyzhak K.Eh. The current state of the national profile applied sociology as an indicator of the development of physical culture and sports science in Russia
Identification number of article: 45SCSK421
• Podgorny B.B., Oboznaya M.V. Microbusiness as an actor in the social field of the Russian digital economy
Identification number of article: 01SCSK421
• Samoylova T.A., Griber Yu.A. A comparative study of the effectiveness of data classification algorithms in sociological analysis of color names
Identification number of article: 21SCSK421
• Snezhko G.E. Motivation of students in online education
Identification number of article: 56SCSK421
• Fetisova O.V. The category of success in the socio-cultural context of a person’s status identity
Identification number of article: 55SCSK421
• Shmeleva O.N. Features of feminism in Germany
Identification number of article: 18SCSK421
• Abakarova M.A. Verbalisation of the concept ‘money’ in Lak proverbs
Identification number of article: 29FLSK421
• Dimitrieva O.A. The image of the Bacchic man in the works of Leo Tolstoy
Identification number of article: 02FLSK421
• Bilalova Kh.A. Multiple adjectives placement patterns in English
Identification number of article: 03FLSK421
• Butakova L.O., Demchenkov S.A., Fedyaeva N.D. Communicative codes of professional Internet communities: pragmalinguistic aspect
Identification number of article: 31FLSK421
• Valieva M.Z. Lexical means of expressing the category of time in written sources of the 17th–18th centuries
Identification number of article: 46FLSK421
• Valiullina I.F. Language planning: the history of the concept, classification and fundamentals of legal regulation
Identification number of article: 48FLSK421
• Grigoryan A.A., Popkova E.B. Methodological concept of the electronic textbook «On tourist routes of the Southern Federal District» (for foreign students)
Identification number of article: 27FLSK421
• Grineva M.S. Metacommunicative means of managing empathetic and harmonious communicative tonality in therapeutic discourse (in English and Russian languages)
Identification number of article: 57FLSK421
• Guseinova A.V. Church and folk names of Orthodox holidays in the Khakass language
Identification number of article: 13FLSK421
• Dinislamova S.S. The theme of childhood in the story «First There Was a Fairy Tale» by Yu. Shestalov
Identification number of article: 04FLSK421
• Zubkova E.V., Kotelnikova A.O., Kilovataya M.A. Gender-inclusive language in official Spanish discourse
Identification number of article: 38FLSK421
• Ivanova S.V. Hunting vocabulary in the work of Timofey Smetanin «Stories of the hunter Meheelecheen»
Identification number of article: 09FLSK421
• Kallaur V.S., Grebennikova I.A. Scenario as one of the components of the concept representation (based on the concept «feast»)
Identification number of article: 23FLSK421
• Kindikova A.V., Nadezda E.V. Lexical meanings and folklore interpretation of stones in Boris Ukachin’s Poetry
Identification number of article: 37FLSK421
• Knorz O.V. Methods of lexicography of pragmatic semantics (based on the material of the Russian and German thematic groups «Names of urban space»)
Identification number of article: 39FLSK421
• Kuzmina R.P. Features of the conceptualization of snow in the linguistic consciousness of the Evens
Identification number of article: 16FLSK421
• Magomedova P.A., Alivalieva D.A. Pride and Pridefulness as a sin in the religious-linguistic consciousness of an ethnos (cognitive-semantic aspect)
Identification number of article: 30FLSK421
• Manasyan L.Yu. Linguistic argumentative approach to the analysis of the vestimentary discourse of the Soviet periodical press of the 1960s
Identification number of article: 51FLSK421
• Monraev M.U., Lidzhiev A.B., Alekseeva S.S., Khudogulova E.P. The vocabulary of food in the traditional culture of the Kalmyks
Identification number of article: 11FLSK421
• Mutalov R.O. Sociolinguistic situation in Current Dagestan
Identification number of article: 17FLSK421
• Nedostup O.I., Pleshivtseva E.Yu. The new language of the Internet: sources and mechanisms for the emergence of new vocabulary
Identification number of article: 25FLSK421
• Nekrasova E.Yu. The strategic nature of the pedagogical discourse of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language
Identification number of article: 35FLSK421
• Panchenko L.N. Nomination of the age category of the characters of Mansi fairy tales
Identification number of article: 19FLSK421
• Plotnikova Yu.V. Sound-sense specifics of poetic texts of Belgorod authors
Identification number of article: 15FLSK421
• Sarbasheva S.B., Borlykova B.Kh., Dertynova E.B.-B. Colour naming «black» and «white» in Turko-Mongolian epics (on the example of epics «Maadai-kara» and «Dzhangar»)
Identification number of article: 47FLSK421
• Sorokina T.E. Anthropocentricity of art journalism in the conditions of modern society
Identification number of article: 54FLSK421
• Wu X., Navasartyan L.G. Speech strategies and tactics for achieving the effectiveness of mass communication (on the examples from “RIA Novosti” texts)
Identification number of article: 59FLSK421
• Fang Zh. Internet-сcommunication as the variant of authentic written speech
Identification number of article: 07FLSK421
• Shchetinina A.V. Illusory individualism and false collectivism: new nominations for networking
Identification number of article: 40FLSK421
• Iatsevich O.E., Iudashkina V.V., Kovalevskaya S.A., Kosintseva T.D. The motive of growing up in the story of M.L. Kashnitz «Pop and Mingel»
Identification number of article: 06FLSK421
• Belyaeva M.A., Beregnova D.B. Museum as a subject of production of cultural fund
Identification number of article: 08KLSK421
• Bespalova L.N., Savelyeva A.V., Yakubova L.A. The German and American political leaders caricatures during the uniting processes of the second half of the XIXth century
Identification number of article: 49KLSK421
• Bozhok N.S. Cultural and historical reenactment in the optics of an immersive approach: theoretical and empirical explications (Part 1)
Identification number of article: 60KLSK421
• Kalyuzhnaya E.G. Narrative and personal history in the structure of a personal image
Identification number of article: 50KLSK421
• Korablina M.V. The phenomenon of open culture and modernity challenges
Identification number of article: 32KLSK421
• Kuramagomedova Z.M., Nurudinova N.M., Gadzhieva M.B. Myths and their scientific value
Identification number of article: 05KLSK421
• Lavrikova I.N. Power over the holiday: limit of control
Identification number of article: 12KLSK421
• Lavrinova N.N., Tatarinzeva I.V., Punina Ju.S. Historical and cultural analysis of family holidays in Russia in the XIX century
Identification number of article: 20KLSK421
• Leskova I.V., Pirushkin M.V. The video game industry as an object and method for the development of modern culture
Identification number of article: 42KLSK421
• Somova I.Yu. Historical and cultural heritage of Spain as a factor in the spread of the Spanish language in the world through linguistic tourism
Identification number of article: 14KLSK421
• Shevlyakova I.A. The specifics of Dadaism as a reflection of the aesthetic and artistic quest of the era
Identification number of article: 24KLSK421