World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2021, Vol. 12, No. 4. - go to content...

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Nekrasova E.Yu. [The strategic nature of the pedagogical discourse of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

The strategic nature of the pedagogical discourse of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language

Nekrasova Elena Yurevna
Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article presents the substantiation of strategicness as the main feature of the pedagogical discourse of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, who is a participant in intercultural communication, the study of which has become widespread in recent decades. Late XX — early XXI centuries characterized by the development of anthropocentrism, which led to an interest in communication as a dominant process in society, in connection with which such concepts as communicative competence, discourse, communication strategy, speech tactics, etc. were identified. In the world, there is an increase in interest in Russian culture, in the study and teaching of Russian as a foreign language, and in the strengthening of its status in the world. An adequate understanding of the linguistic picture of the worlds of a particular nation determines the effectiveness of intercultural communication and the specifics of the discursive features of the speech of an RFL teacher, which affect his pedagogical activity. The author of the article describes pedagogical discourse as one of the types of institutional discourse through the analysis of communication strategies (linguoculturological as the main and auxiliary: explanatory, evaluating, controlling, organizing, facilitating) and speech tactics (etiquette, explanatory, directive, controlling speech tactics, speech tactics of reflection, repetition, creating a positive emotional background) of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, whose task, in addition to carrying out educational activities, is to help in adaptation, acculturation and inculturation of foreign students through their immersion in the Russian socio-cultural space. The theoretical provisions of the article make it possible to prove the leading role of the strategic communication of a teacher in Russian, expressed in the lexical, morphological, syntactic simplification of speech; phonetic adaptability of speech utterance; selection of language and speech means in accordance with the student’s level of language proficiency and learning objectives; saturation with linguistic and speech means that make up the corpus of precedent phenomena.

Keywords: Russian as a foreign language; intercultural communication; pedagogical discourse; communication strategy; linguocultural communication strategy; speech tactics; speech intention; communicative situation

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