World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2021, Vol. 12, No. 4. - go to content...

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Korablina M.V. [The phenomenon of open culture and modernity challenges] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

The phenomenon of open culture and modernity challenges

Korablina Marina Viktorovna
Industrial University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia

Abstract. The article discusses the phenomenon of culture openness in the context of modernity challenges. The author believes that the concept “openness” is becoming actualized to a great extent; that openness, being a phenomenon of culture, is turning to be an important discourse for research works. Application of phenomenological, comparative, analytical, historical and culturally sensitive methods as well as a paradigm approach allows the author to concentrate the problems of modern culture in the area of openness and position several research paradigms of considering its essence in the context of globalization, and eventually produce a new paradigm of open culture. The author distinguishes the following paradigms. The paradigm of inequality traces technological inequality of cultures, digital gaps, unequal getting through globalization experience. The paradigm of culture crisis compiles theories based on the idea of large-scale crisis of modern culture. The paradigm of pluralization of cultural realities, accumulation of new senses of multiplicity, plurality, mosaicism and diversity. The article also touches upon the actual problem of effective cross-cultural communication within the dialogue paradigm. Stating the necessity of distinguishing the paradigm of culture openness, the author analyzes the basic attitudes towards “culture openness” and “open culture” — philosophical, synergistic and culturally sensitive approaches. Having analyzed the researchers’ theories, the author concludes that openness is an inherent and core attribute of culture. But since every culture is socially determined and, existing in a certain time and space, possesses specific civilizational, special historical, ethnic, national, regional and other characteristics, then we can talk about various degrees of openness, different models of open culture. The concept of “open culture” is closely tied with the concept “society”. Every society establishes the degree of its culture openness. So, open culture is this or that degree of culture openness intentionally determined by society.

Keywords: culture; culture openness; open culture; paradigms of culture; dialogue; philosophy of culture; modern culture

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