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For citation:
Dinislamova S.S. [The theme of childhood in the story «First There Was a Fairy Tale» by Yu. Shestalov] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/04FLSK421.pdf (in Russian).
The theme of childhood in the story «First There Was a Fairy Tale» by Yu. Shestalov
Dinislamova Svetlana Siliverstovna
Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
E-mail: dinislamovass@mail.ru
Abstract. Scientific interest to the Mansi children’s literature is revealed only in our days. And there are no works that would consider it as a component of the national literary process, although the history of the origin of Mansi children’s literature, as well as Mansi literature in general, also falls on the 30s of the XX century.
The objective of the work is to identify the features of the artistic depiction of childhood in the story by Yu. Shestalov «First There Was a Fairy Tale».
The relevance and novelty of the research are due to the fact that such an experience of consideration of the theme of childhood in the work of Yu. Shestalov was undertaken in scientific practice for the first time. The research is based on a comprehensive approach to the study of the story, which includes historical, literary and biographical research methods.
Childhood of Yu. Shestalov, like all Mansi authors, took place in a taiga village. Before turning to literary creativity, his worldview was formed by the nature of the northern region, folk life, the relationship of adults between themselves and children, as well as oral and poetic heritage. Later, the formation of the personality of the future writer was influenced by the years of study at school, life in a boarding school, the experience of teachers. It was at school that he was introduced to literature and creative activity. It became natural that the main themes in the author’s work are the theme of his native people, homeland and nature. At the same time, the writer in many works of his multifaceted creativity turns to the theme of childhood, because all memories of his region are naturally interconnected with childhood years. The story «First There Was a Fairy Tale» was published in 1984. We believe that Yu. Shestalov justified the appointment of literature for children. Firstly, his story has an aesthetic function, when a young reader feels joy from reading a fantasy game that takes him into the world of imaginary life and fairy-tale circumstances. He believes in what is happening and empathizes with the characters.
Secondly, the cognitive function of the story is that a reader gets acquainted with the world of the taiga people — the Mansi people; he learns a lot of interesting things about their traditional spiritual and material culture.
Thirdly, the educational or moral function is achieved by representation of images of people close to the main character, coverage the theme of mother, family, nature, and homeland.
Keywords: Yuvan Shestalov; Mansi people; children’s literature; «First There Was a Fairy Tale»; Mansi literature; childhood theme; story
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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