World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2021, Vol. 12, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Knorz O.V. [Methods of lexicography of pragmatic semantics (based on the material of the Russian and German thematic groups «Names of urban space»)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Methods of lexicography of pragmatic semantics (based on the material of the Russian and German thematic groups «Names of urban space»)

Knorz Olga Vladimirovna
Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Abstract. The purpose of this study, carried out within the framework of one of the topical areas of linguistics — cultural linguistics — is to analyze the main ways of presenting the pragmatic semantics of the thematic group «Names of urban space» in German and Russian explanatory dictionaries.

The relevance of the work is dictated, first of all, by the fact that the study of the thematic group of the language of urban spaces from linguistic and cultural positions will allow to gain new information about the mental structure of the «city» from various positions: from the peculiarities of different national pictures of the world and dynamic processes in the language to semiotics and etymology.

The object of the research is the thematic group «names of urban space» in Russian and German, the analysis of which was carried out on the basis of explanatory dictionaries of the German and Russian languages.

The author described the content of the concept of «urban space nomination» and determined its relationship with various functions, as a result of which the article adopted concepts for designation (name, nomination, language) of urban space, urbanonym, agoronym and godonym as working terms.

The pragmatic semantics of urban spatial objects in a dictionary entry can be expressed in an explicit and implicit way.

In the first case, the most characteristic of the German explanatory dictionary Duden uses four options, when the information focuses on the elements of interpretation; various comments; spelling and grammatical marks; on the illustrative material of the dictionary entry.

The second is characterized by the fact that pragmatic semantics is expressed implicitly, implicitly, while in the dictionary entry there are no verbally expressed linguistic components indicating the functioning of the lexeme as an agronym and urbanonym. Key words in Russian are lexemes city, urban, and in German the words die Stadt or die Straße.

Appreciation. The author of the article expresses deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to her teacher Tatyana Aleksandrovna Trypolskaya, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Modern Russian Language at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, a world-famous philologist, a wonderful lexicologist and an excellent person for the fundamental ideas, defining advice and constructively wise remarks that invariably lead to lexical harmony, pragmatic expediency and linguocultural space of the scientific universe.

Keywords: mental structure «city»; thematic group «Names of urban space»; urbanonym; agoronym; godonym; German explanatory dictionary Duden; explicit and implicit ways of expressing pragmatic semantics; dynamic processes in language; cultural linguistics; linguistic picture of the world

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