2023, Volume 14, Issue 3
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
2023, Volume 14, Issue 3
• Antonova N.L. Teens’ online activity as a form of civic participation
Identification number of article: 12SCSK323
• Babintsev V.P., Serkina Ya.I., Ushamirskiy A.Eh. Metabolic «xenoization» of urban subculture in a hybrid social reality
Identification number of article: 13SCSK323
• Bazaley T.Yu. Monitoring and control of public opinion through digital technologies
Identification number of article: 45SCSK323
• Dudina I.M. Generation Z: forecasts of credit behavior due to the characteristics of the characteristics (on the example of the city of Yaroslavl)
Identification number of article: 57SCSK323
• Ivashinenko N.N., Teodorovich M.L., Patokina N.N. Local communities as drivers for the development of small towns
Identification number of article: 30SCSK323
• Fadeykina V.S., Chaikina S.V., Tsukanov M.S. Approach to the study of the quality of working life in the organization of higher education
Identification number of article: 40SCSK323
• Osadchaya G.I., Yudina T.N. «Integration processes in Eurasia» master program in sociology: development approaches
Identification number of article: 22SCSK323
• Petryakova E.A., Goryaeva S.N. Information culture of students (on the example of a regional university)
Identification number of article: 20SCSK323
• Proshkova Z.V. The choice of a technical specialty by students of Russian universities: generational analysis
Identification number of article: 62SCSK323
• Pshegorskiy A.S. Fake news as a phenomenon of the modern internet environment and prospects for limiting their distribution
Identification number of article: 31SCSK323
• Roslavtseva M.V. Migrants from Tajikistan and their families in the Moscow agglomeration
Identification number of article: 23SCSK323
• Somova I.Yu., Ipatova K.S., Amelchenko A.Ya. Bio-digital convergence as a tool of transhumanism: methods and goals of anthropological transition
Identification number of article: 04SCSK323
• Faizullina G.Ch., Urazova L.M. Territorial features of the location of mosques in the Tobolsk district of the Tobolsk province in the second half of the 19th century
Identification number of article: 02SCSK323
• Shabanova M.V., Leonov V.V., Khomutova I.V. Strategies of fatherhood in modern Russia: social practices and pedagogical characteristics
Identification number of article: 18SCSK323
• Stolz L.Yu. Young people’s social representations about medical tourism: discriminant analysis
Identification number of article: 24SCSK323
• Arkhipova I.V. Deverbatives as a means of actualization of taxis syncretism (based on the material of the German language)
Identification number of article: 15FLSK323
• Baksheeva M.G., Islamova Yu.V. Word-formation models of occasional (potential) words functioning in the works of Yuvan Shestalov
Identification number of article: 51FLSK323
• Balabanova N.V. Frequency characteristics of features of the semantic space of the English social verbal lexicon with the semantic component «Education»
Identification number of article: 25FLSK323
• Gorodishchev A.V., Uskova S.V., Khodenkova E.V. Processing of the Russian language by artificial intelligence models in the formation of a digital avatar
Identification number of article: 54FLSK323
• Goryacheva E.D. Lexic and semantic markers of metatextuality in the autobiographical discourse of B.L. Pasternak
Identification number of article: 16FLSK323
• Dedova N.A. Frequency specifications of the semantic characteristics of the image metaphor in the anti-utopia novel
Identification number of article: 09FLSK323
• Ermakova E.N., Faizullina G.Ch., Gaqnullina A.D. Male personal names with the root Muhammad/Muhammet in the First Name Dictionary of the Tyumen Bukharians: history and modernity
Identification number of article: 38FLSK323
• Zubkova E.V., Nina G.P., Kilovataya M.A. Emotive discourse of translator’s linguistic personality
Identification number of article: 26FLSK323
• Kindikova A.V. National picture of the world in modern Altai literature
Identification number of article: 55FLSK323
• Kozina O.V., Merkulova E.N. The linguocultural concept Boomerang Kid in English and Russian linguistic world view
Identification number of article: 19FLSK323
• Korosteleva L.V. Topic group «The players in a trial courtroom» in professional and common mindset
Identification number of article: 60FLSK323
• Kotik O.V., Zhukova L.V., Aleksandrova I.A. Anthropocentric features of toponyms in Australia and Oceania as a reflection of the geographical and historical factors of their appearance in the language
Identification number of article: 21FLSK323
• Kosharnaya S.A., Plotnikova L.I. Folklore and religious nominations in the poetry of Nikolai Gladkikh
Identification number of article: 50FLSK323
• Kurkina Ya.V. Lexico-semantic transfer of English and French in the Middle Ages
Identification number of article: 59FLSK323
• Makurina I.Yu. Structural and semantic features of the fixed collocations with the preposition «in» in modern English
Identification number of article: 10FLSK323
• Malgataeva M.M. Linguocultural interpretation of concept interaction in the discourse of sympathy
Identification number of article: 44FLSK323
• Melnikova E.A. Representation of the pragmatic content of «Vrag/Enemy» phenomenon in the modern socio-political discourse of Russian and British media
Identification number of article: 36FLSK323
• Nasiri N. The heritage of Leo Tolstoy in the perception of the Iranian translators
Identification number of article: 14FLSK323
• Plotnikova L.I., Valuiskaya E.I. The linguistic embodiment of the philosophy of life in the poetry of Z. Hippius
Identification number of article: 27FLSK323
• Rusanova M.A., Zinkovskaya A.V. The notion of concept in an interdisciplinary aspect
Identification number of article: 29FLSK323
• Rybalko S.A. Educational and pedagogical discourse in the cognitive linguistic research: approaches to analysis
Identification number of article: 41FLSK323
• Sadovskaya Je.Yu. Speech formulas of self-presentation of generational identity
Identification number of article: 43FLSK323
• Spasova M.V., Lopatina N.R. Сonnotations of coloronym red in bound word combinations in the modern English Language
Identification number of article: 03FLSK323
• Spitsyn A.A. «Travnik chronicle», being Ivo Andric’s principal novel
Identification number of article: 05FLSK323
• Fadeeva A.I. Venedikt Mart’s early poetical works in the context of creative linguistic persona
Identification number of article: 33FLSK323
• Cheshuin N.A., Tararina L.I. Strategies of translating medical terminology based on the performances of foreign doctors from English into Russia
Identification number of article: 06FLSK323
• Chistova E.V. Eco-cognitive modeling as a new method of research languages and civilizations interaction in the translation context (using the example of Russian-Chinese marketing translation)
Identification number of article: 07FLSK323
• Yagmurova M.S. Semantic and pragmatic potential of Turkmen and Russian personal names
Identification number of article: 39FLSK323
• Bylevskiy P.G. Formation of the culture of information security of Russian citizens: evolutionary periodization
Identification number of article: 28KLSK323
• Gutsalenko O.V. The concept of folklore in its historical and cultural significance
Identification number of article: 48KLSK323
• Kamenets A.V., Feng Sh. The role of calligraphy in the cultural and educational space of China
Identification number of article: 46KLSK323
• Lavrikova I.N. The swearing pandemic: possible risks and consequences
Identification number of article: 61KLSK323
• Nabilkina L.N. The formation of imagological image of America in the genre of travelogue
Identification number of article: 08KLSK323
• Rodionov A.N. Features of the visual component in the fashion and style of East Asian countries
Identification number of article: 11KLSK323
• Zhang X. Effectiveness of animated content in social media marketing: psychophysiological aspects and mechanisms of visual perception
Identification number of article: 37KLSK323
• Zhang H. Danmu subculture as a phenomenon of contemporary Chinese youth subculture
Identification number of article: 58KLSK323
• Shlyakov A.V. Women in Soviet rock music: motives and images
Identification number of article: 42KLSK323