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For citation:
Fadeeva A.I. [Venedikt Mart’s early poetical works in the context of creative linguistic persona] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/33FLSK323.pdf (in Russian).
Venedikt Mart’s early poetical works in the context of creative linguistic persona
Fadeeva Alena Ivanovna
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
E-mail: yallery30@gmail.com
Abstract. Venedikt Mart is a futurist poet whose language reflects the Far-Eastern mindset. The author’s linguistic personality study allows not only to establish his peculiarities, but also to make a projection to the general sprachraum in which the Private Language functions. The present study aims to reveal the peculiarities of Venedikt Mart’s creative linguistic personality at its early formation stage, which will create a basis for its further study. The methodological and theoretical study basу was formed by the works of Y.N. Karaulov, M.Y. Lotman, N.D. Arutyunova, L.G. Babenko. The article demonstrates the algorithm and presents analysis results of the poetry collections «Poryvy» and «Pesentsy». On based on the collection «Poryrovy» texts analysis the following conclusions are made concerning the author’s linguistic personality: (a) the main way of artistic rethinking of reality is intellectual evaluation; (b) the dominant emotions are longing, uncertainty, mental suffering; (c) the main concepts reflected in the texts are love, poetry, longing; (d) in the process of collection’s compositional deployment the author’s ideas about the essence of poetry, the value of love experiences, his own creative path are formed. As the analysis result of the collection «Pesentsy» the following observations are made concerning the cognitive level of the author’s linguistic personality: (a) the most productive way of evaluating the external world is visual evaluation; (b) multicultural experience becomes relevant for the author; (c) imitation of Japanese poetry is formal. The work results are, firstly, allocation of orientalism and decadence as dominant features of the linguistic personality «expression plane», secondly, determination of the following features of the «expression plane»: constant linguistic search and search for new forms, development of the image system from youthful reflections on the meaning of life and first love to deep oriental sketches characterised by precise vocabulary.
Keywords: language of poetry; structural analysis; conceptual analysis; creative linguistic personality; early work; Venedikt Mart; «Poryvy»; «Pesentsy»; «Gusts»; «Songs»
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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