World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2024, Volume 15, Issue 4

World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2024, Volume 15, Issue 4


Antipova A.A. Social support for military personnel and their family members in the regions of Russia
Identification number of article: 05SCSK424

Bairova Z.M. The influence of historical factors on gender education of women
Identification number of article: 23SCSK424

Vorotilkina I.M., Bazhenov R.I., Bazhenova N.G. Availability and quality of infrastructure for physical education and sports as a means of maintaining and strengthening the health of university faculty and staff
Identification number of article: 22SCSK424

Gilyazova O.S., Zamoshchanskaya A.N. The problem of the formation of axiosphere of younger generation: discrepancy between the declared value orientations and actual behavior of individuals
Identification number of article: 09SCSK424

Davletshina E.V. Studying the current values of Russian youth
Identification number of article: 33SCSK424

Kalachina O.S., Kirdyashkina T.I. The attitude of the population towards migrants in a multiethnic region
Identification number of article: 39SCSK424

Kirdyashkina T.I., Kalachina O.S. Indicators of the quality of life of families with children in the context of the national conservation policy
Identification number of article: 37SCSK424

Leskova I.V., Uvarov I.A. The political and legal mechanism for the formation of youth policy in the Russian Federation (the article is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor A.G. Masalov)
Identification number of article: 13SCSK424

Mukhametzyanova A.R. Medical innovations — strategy for the development of the healthcare system in the context of digitalization: a review of sources
Identification number of article: 41SCSK424

Proshkova Z.V. Empirical research indicators for family cultural capital
Identification number of article: 07SCSK424

Taiber Z.Yu. Legitimacy of crisis management in terms of communications with organizational stakeholders
Identification number of article: 34SCSK424

Tychinskikh Z.A., Fayzullina G.C. On the issue of the literacy level of the Turkic-Tatar population of Tobolsk province in the late XIX — early XX century
Identification number of article: 04SCSK424

Fadeykina V.S. Experience in managing the business career of personnel using the example of a domestic transport company
Identification number of article: 12SCSK424

Chaplashkin N.V. Is free employment precarious: the applicability of precarity in the study of flexible forms of employment in modern Russian conditions
Identification number of article: 10SCSK424

Shikhgafizov P.Sh. Transformation of the role of the corporate culture of the organization in the formation of staff loyalty
Identification number of article: 24SCSK424


Abakumova I.A., Yakovenko O.V. Video blog as one of the genres of Internet communication
Identification number of article: 28FLSK424

Bulygina L.N. Transformation of the image-symbol in the early works of Alexander Blok, using the example of the poem «I, a youth, light candles…»
Identification number of article: 08FLSK424

Volgina O.V. Chess vocabulary in the novel «The Queen’s Gambit» by W. Tevis
Identification number of article: 29FLSK424

Zaripov R.I. Cognitive modelling in the interests of information-psychological warfare
Identification number of article: 32FLSK424

Ivanov A.O. Military democracy — poetry, glory and origin of the Slavs
Identification number of article: 03FLSK424

Kabanova A.S. Pronominal constructions with non-personal verbal forms in the Romanian language
Identification number of article: 17FLSK424

Kozin V.V., Efimova A.I. Motivation for conservation and development national languages in the Republic of Mordovia and the problems of their functioning
Identification number of article: 19FLSK424

Korobova N.V., Kolosova T.Yu., Zlobina V.D., Ukhanova O.A. Image-creating strategies of a media-persona (on the example of Anthony Robbins)
Identification number of article: 27FLSK424

Lidzhieva L.A., Lidzhieva D.M., Mandeev N.Yu. Names of devices, rooms and places of animal parking in the Mongolian languages (based on the material of the Oirat and Kalmyk languages)
Identification number of article: 20FLSK424

Mandzhieva B.B., Batyreva S.G. Mythopoetic motives of Kalmyk folklore in the painting of G.O. Rokchinsky
Identification number of article: 38FLSK424

Mutalov R.O. The conditionals in the Tsudakhar-Sirkhya language (the Dargin languages)
Identification number of article: 42FLSK424

Nagaeva K.E. Comparative and diachronic analysis of the semantics of the words solidarité and solidarnost’
Identification number of article: 01FLSK424

Panchenko L.N., Dinislamova O.Yu. To the issue of genre classification of Mansi folklore
Identification number of article: 14FLSK424

Ubushaeva B.V., Kitlyaeva S.D., Lidzhiev A.B. Genitive case in Russian language lessons for Iranian-speaking listeners
Identification number of article: 11FLSK424

Kharchenko M.A. Intercultural communicative competence in target models of English language teaching
Identification number of article: 25FLSK424

Tsydendambaeva O.S., Kharanutova D.Sh. Euphemisms of the thematic group «Woman’s pregnancy» based on the Buryat language
Identification number of article: 16FLSK424

Yaremchuk A.V. Systematization of English-language neologisms in the context of the neologization of Russian media discourse
Identification number of article: 26FLSK424


Listvina E.V., Zhumaev R.A. The history of the formation of ethnocultural identity as the basis of citizenship in Russia and Europe from Ancient Times to Modern Times
Identification number of article: 06KLSK424

Meretina D.V. The genesis of the interpretation of myth as a cultural phenomenon
Identification number of article: 02KLSK424

Monakhova L.D., Shadrina S.S. Studying contemporary art at school
Identification number of article: 31KLSK424