World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2022, Vol. 13, No. 3. - go to content...

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For citation:

Zhukov D.V., Boyko S.V. [Dynamics of management and regulation of social adaptation of a military school cadet] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 3. Available at: (in Russian).

Dynamics of management and regulation of social adaptation of a military school cadet

Zhukov Dmitry Vladimirovich
«Military Order of Zhukov University of Radio Electronics»
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Cherepovets, Russia

Boyko Stanislav Vladimirovich
«Military Order of Zhukov University of Radio Electronics»
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Cherepovets, Russia

Abstract. Society is not indifferent to how the adaptation processes proceed in the military school and what their results are. The incentive for the growth of cadets` social activity is types of activities, a kind of new social environment. The article considers the need to manage the adaptation process of military schools cadets, which is presented as a cycle, a scalar chain of subordination and coordination of control elements: «goal setting — information — planning — organization — motivation — control — analysis — regulation». Regulation is the closing element in this chain, however, it has a decisive influence on all previous stages of management, providing its new round, correction of previous elements of management, becoming the leading function in managing the social adaptation of cadets, in each cycle of the adaptation process. Authors of the article claim that it is in the process of regulation of social adaptation that the restructuring of the management structure and the formation of the status of the cadet’s personality take place. From the point of view of regulating the management of the adaptation of cadets to the conditions of university, the most significant for it are the following provisions: the nature and communication abilities of the adapting person; the ability to use internal reserves to improve the efficiency of adaptation; the degree of involvement of the cadet, both in educational and cultural-traditional processes taking place in a military university; debugging of the adaptation process, the presence of an algorithm. Regulation is considered as a function of control systems, which is designed to perform such tasks as: maintaining the constancy of the controlled value at a given level (command regulation); transformation of the regulated value according to the entered task (program regulation); modification of the controlled variable in accordance with a change in some external process — for example, adaptation (tracking regulation). The article concludes that the direct process of management regulating of social adaptation comes into force when the previously used stereotypes of activity no longer meet changed external conditions of the environment or the internal needs of an individual.

Keywords: adaptation processes; adaptation management; control elements; control regulation; regulation results; adaptive behavior; levels of adaptation

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