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For citation:
Artaev S.N., Barinova B.V., Mukabenova Zh.A., Goryaev G.A. [Color in the communicative behavior of Kalmyk] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/26FLSK419.pdf (in Russian).
Color in the communicative behavior of Kalmyk
Artaev Sergei Nikolaevich
Kalmyk state university named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russia
E-mail: ArtaevSN@yandex.ru
Barinova Bayrta Valeryevna
Kalmyk state university named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russia
E-mail: bbarinova@yandex.ru
Mukabenova Zhanna Alekseevna
Kalmyk state university named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russia
E-mail: zhanna61297@yandex.ru
Goryaev Garya Alekseevich
Kalmyk state university named after B.B. Gorodovikov, Elista, Russia
E-mail: goryaev.garya@mail.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes of one of the means of non-verbal communication, namely, the features of color designations in the communicative behavior of Kalmyks are considered. In addition to general cultural and situational norms, national-cultural specificity is observed in non-verbal communication and social symbolism of the people. National social symbolism includes clothing symbols, color shades, numeral and numbers, gifts, jewelry, property, etc. In this paper, an attempt is made to consider the functions and meanings of color in Kalmyk communication, the role of different colors in speech and non-speech behavior. Knowledge of the meanings of non-verbal communication signals promotes effective communication in everyday, corporate, business and intercultural communications. With the help of color, a kind of indicator, aesthetic, ethical norms were expressed, and social, political and even ethnic signs were also indicated. The traditions of color symbolism are now largely lost, especially in developed industrial countries, in which the utilitarian attitude towards color prevails, but nevertheless, the symbolism of color is preserved in the psychological motivation for choosing clothes and interior items in everyday life.
Since its inception, color symbolism has been closely associated with magic and religion. Color was seen as an attribute of magical, sacred, divine powers, and in certain cases as a deity itself. The very division of magic into «white» and «black» testifies to the crucial role of color in magic rituals. The role of color in the religious consciousness of people, especially the ancients, is hard to overestimate. As archaeological, historical and ethnographic studies show, the mystical representations of man and color symbolism were closely interconnected.
Keywords: communicative behavior; communication; non-verbal means of communication; national character; color and color designations; social symbolism; religious consciousness

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