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For citation:
Dovger O.P., Nikitina E.A., Сhaplygina O.V., Gribova N.S. [Lexical and semantic characteristics of eponymous terminology (by example of English economic discourse)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/21FLSK120.pdf (in Russian).
Lexical and semantic characteristics of eponymous terminology (by example of English economic discourse)
Dovger Oksana Pavlovna
Kursk state medical university, Kursk, Russia
E-mail: odovger@yandex.ru
Nikitina Elena Alexandrovna
Southwest state university, Kursk, Russia
E-mail: eanikitina72@mail.ru
Сhaplygina Olga Vladimirovna
Kursk state medical university, Kursk, Russia
E-mail: olya.tchapligina2015@yandex.ru
Gribova Natalia Sergeevna
Kursk state medical university, Kursk, Russia
E-mail: natik_48@km.ru
Abstract. The article touches upon the problem of lexical and semantic characteristic of eponymous terminology used in economic discourse. Investigating professional economic terms is conducted in the context of studying specialized language which is currently used in economic texts or in professional communication. The objective of the research is to analyze the structural, semantic and functional peculiarities of eponyms which are actively spread in the professional sublanguage of economy. The authors classify and analyze eponymous terminology that enables to determine the most widespread lexical units and their semantic features. The actuality of the research involves the need for making the data of using eponymous terms in English economic discourse more precise since the problem has not been considered enough. The material of the research includes dictionary articles from English-English and specialized professional dictionaries, texts from economic and literature discourses, researches of Russian and foreign scholars according to the problem given. According to the research it was established that the greatest amount of eponymous terms is associated with economics, namely economic theory, various economic models and methods, plans and policies and their amount is constantly increasing. The research given analyzes English eponyms in terms of their word-forming ways paying special attention to blending. Eponymous blends are very popular in media and online since they are able to combine both brevity and imagery of the terms created. The authors analyze the modern economic texts from different media platforms in order to determine the principle economic realities where eponymous terms are used. The authors conclude that the use of eponymous terms in the professional sublanguage of economy is mainly connected with its theory. However, a part of eponymous terminology has gained a firm foothold in everyday language to convey economic and sociocultural information to global audience.
Keywords: eponymous terms; eponyms; economic discourse; terminology; blending; metaphorization; metonimization

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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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