World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Rumyantseva E.V., Chzun L., Peredelskiy A.A. [Sociocultural foundations of martial arts strategy and tactics in ancient Chinese treatises] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

Sociocultural foundations of martial arts strategy and tactics in ancient Chinese treatises

Peredelsky Alexey Anatolievich
Russian state university of physical culture, sports, youth and tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow, Russia

Chzun Lei
Russian state university of physical culture, sports, youth and tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow, Russia

Rumyantseva Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Russian state university of physical culture, sports, youth and tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article proposed below examines the most interesting and never before specifically empirically solved in Russian sociology problem of applying a specific sociological approach to the study of the texts of ancient Chinese treatises in order to identify the fundamental and detailed connection of ancient eastern socio-cultural foundations with the strategy and technical and tactical core of ancient martial arts. as well as, indirectly, modern martial arts. In the world of modern sports, they prefer not to notice this problem, very freely and completely unreasonably manipulating the terms «martial arts», «single combats», «combat sports», without understanding or even thinking about the reality that these concepts reflect and express. Without thinking about what kind of sociocultural meaning they carry in themselves and in what social context they are able to clearly manifest their conditionally negative or, conversely, conditionally positive features. Therefore, modern science often does not find satisfactory explanations for the facts of mass criminal, terrorist, nationalist, shadow political, other illegal and antisocial use of martial arts and martial arts. He tries to pass over in silence such facts and official sports history, in which it is rather difficult to explain and, most importantly, to justify, for example, the mass arrests by the police of almost all Japanese kickboxers according to the K-1 version for active participation in criminal gang formations or, for example, the massive departure of Soviet wrestlers and boxers into racketeering, and not only in the 90s of the 20th century.

Meanwhile, these and similar facts are quite easily explained when studying the real, and not imaginary, heroic-mythological socio-cultural foundations of the ancient martial arts, as well as the connections and continuity with them of modern sports and non-sports martial arts. And the best objects of analysis for establishing and detailing this connection are ancient Chinese treatises, which the authors of this article are trying to prove in detail and in detail sociologically, using the sociological method of document analysis and the mechanism of specific sociological research.

Keywords: martial arts; ancient Chinese treatises; sociocultural foundations; strategy and technical and tactical features

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