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For citation:
Нагаева К.Э. [Semantic way of French linguoculture’s key word république] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/21FLSK319.pdf (in Russian).
Semantic way of French linguoculture’s key word république
Nagaeva Ksenia Eduardovna
Moscow state linguistic university, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: mglu@list.ru
Abstract. The article is written in the context of linguocultural approach in terms of diachrony. The word république has a particular importance in French linguoculture, so it’s a key word. The aim of this analysis is the detection of semantic way of French loanword from Latin that becomes the object of analysis for the first time. The methods applied in the research are following: etymological, comparative, contextual.
In its first period of existence in French language up to XVI century the lexeme république had meaning corresponding to the antique one, “political organization of society”. That meaning lived up to XVIII century but then became obsolete.
In XVIII century during the Enlightenment the lexeme obtained a new meaning “a state in which the executive power is the supreme minister”. This meaning is opposed to such form of government as dictatorship or tyranny, that are illegal orders from the enlighteners’ point of view. The works of Montesquieu played a great role in this opposition. These terms of antonymy remain to this day.
The last period of lexeme’s sematic formation is related to French revolution and further political history of France. All explanatory dictionaries give set phrases relating to political order in France as well as its official name – La République française.
The author concludes that French lexeme république contains a strong positive connotation in modern language that it got during social and political development of the country. It closes up to the idea of democracy because its antonyms are monarchy, which France rejected in the end of XIX century, and despotism.
Keywords: key word; linguoculture; lexeme; meaning; narrowing of meaning; obsolete meaning; figurative meaning; phrase; connotation

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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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