World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2020, Vol. 11, No. 3. - go to content...

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Napso M.D. [«Modus of possession» in a consumer society] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 3. Available at: (in Russian).

«Modus of possession» in a consumer society

Napso Mariana Davletovna
North-Caucasus state academy, Cherkessk, Russia

Abstract. Object of research is the consumption phenomenon, and a subject – «модус possession» in consumerism society. Concepts «моdus of possession» and «модус lives», their inconsistent interrelation and interconditionality are analyzed. The attention is focused on features of functioning «модуса consumption» in a modern society, character of action is considered to «have», its domination over to «be», consequences «модус are traced to have» for life of the individual and a society. The social nature of excessive and demonstrative consumption is investigated, features of its influence on individual and collective consciousness reveal. Dependence of behaviour of the individual on excessiveness of following «модусу consumption», from world outlook modern society world outlook and valuable installations is shown. Influence of things on psychology formation is traced to «have», on perception the individual of as successfully realised person. What its dependence on a principle to «have» turns around for the individual is shown, from the world of «real» relations. Are investigated various «модусы lives» – life existential and life illusory, their influence on a choice of vital strategy is considered. The attention to importance of following to a principle of reasonable, «healthy» consumption, use rational an expert and intelligent actions is paid. The methodological basis of the analysis was made by principles of objectivity, the concretenesses which have allowed most full to reveal social essence «модуса consumption» in a society consumerism. Article contains elements of scientific novelty which consist in a number substantiation положений: (1) researches of the social nature «моdus of possession» is actual for a society in which to «have» dominates over to «be»; (2) restriction «модуса consumption» contains possibilities of transformation of illusory life in the existential.

Keywords: «modus of possession»; «modus of existence»; consumerism; demonstrative consumption; status; prestige; illusion

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