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For citation:
Chumak E.V. [Socio-political consequences of change in social space as a result of migration processes] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/18SCSK321.pdf (in Russian).
Socio-political consequences of change in social space as a result of migration processes
Chumak Elena Vasilʹevna
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: lena22021977@yandex.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4364-6456
Abstract. Considering any consequences of state intervention in social processes, it is necessary to talk about the cumulative social effect. For individual individuals (households), government regulation can bear, to a greater extent, negative consequences. However, according to the author’s conviction, if the number of these individuals in total is slightly less than the number of those for whom the migration processes were of a positive nature, we can talk about a positive effect of the intervention. The article describes and systematizes the problems of the receiving side of migrants. Positive and negative effects of the inflow of labor (migrants) for the host country are modeled. The factors limiting the actions of labor migrants in various social spheres of life are considered. Models (forecasts) of the impact of migration and demographic processes on the optional space are presented under various scenarios of their course (if the growth of the indigenous population increases, and the level of migration decreases; if the demographic and migration growth decreases; if the demographic and migration growth completely stops; if the growth of migrants increases only from the countries of Central Asia). The author proposes to improve the migration policy, increase the efficiency of its mechanisms on the Israeli model. Despite the fact that the economic capabilities of the Russian Federation will not allow the use of a full copy of this model, nevertheless, in the formation of this system, it is necessary to proceed not from the principle of equalizing costs per migrant, but from the principle of assessing the usefulness of a future migrant. A structure for assessing migration attractiveness, including the «coefficient of migration attractiveness», is proposed. The author of the article concludes that the achievement of a positive or negative scenario can be controlled, and depending on the socio-economic mechanisms used by the state for working with migrants, the scenario can be shifted in a positive or negative direction.
Keywords: migration processes; labor migrants; host country; social space; influence of migration processes; migration attractiveness; management of migration processes

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