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For citation:
Gridina V.V., Chubarov K.M. [Student youth of the city of Samara on the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/14SCSK218.pdf (in Russian).
Student youth of the city of Samara on the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites
Gridina Vera Valeryevna
Samara state technical university, Samara, Russia
E-mail: samavera@mail.ru
Chubarov Kirill Mikhaylovich
Samara state technical university, Samara, Russia
E-mail: chubarov-aees@mail.ru
Abstract. In connection with the need to preserve unique territories in our country that require restoration and preservation, assessment and analysis of the attitude of the population to this problem is of particular relevance. The main responsibility for this lies with federal and regional authorities. However, it is from the attitude of the population, and especially young people, to monuments and objects of cultural heritage that their safety largely depends. The article examines the significance of cultural heritage sites for the upbringing of patriotism, analyzes ways to popularize this problem among young people. n connection with the relevance of this problem in Samara universities, the authors carried out a sociological study in the form of a questionnaire, the results of which are presented in this article. The purpose of the study was to assess the degree of awareness and importance for cultural students of the city of Samara cultural objects, find out the respondents’ opinion on the measures taken by the city’s leadership to preserve and restore these objects, attract public attention to the preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the city. The most popular among youth historical-monumental and landscape symbols of the city are selected. Special attention is given in the article to the attitude of the respondents to the construction of the stadium for matches of the World Cup 2018, and to the change in the historical and cultural appearance of the city in connection with the above-mentioned event of a global scale. In this article, among other things, the necessary set of measures is proposed to increase the attention and interest of students to the objects of cultural heritage of the city of Samara.
Keywords: cultural heritage; sociological research; social significance; object of cultural heritage; monument; awareness; cultural life; students
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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