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For citation:
Zimina I.V., Efimova T.O. [The concept of «Pride» in the religious, scientific and phraseological pictures of the world] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/14FLSK120.pdf (in Russian).
The concept of «Pride» in the religious, scientific and phraseological pictures of the world
Zimina Irina Vladimirovna
Russian university of cooperation
Krasnodar cooperative institute (branch), Krasnodar, Russia
E-mail: irinazimina@inbox.ru
Efimova Tat’jana Olegovna
Russian university of cooperation
Krasnodar cooperative institute (branch), Krasnodar, Russia
E-mail: nitochnaya@mail.ru
Abstract. The concept of «Pride» is analyzed in the article from the point of view of its structure and content in the religious, scientific and phraseological pictures of the world. Having researched the data of dictionaries of idioms and collocations, proverbs, sayings, statements of famous philosophers and thinkers, the authors of the article came to the conclusion that there is different understanding and interpretation of pride. In psychology, pride is considered to be an ambivalent feeling: normally it is positive, and is actualized through emotions of joy, contentment and state of inspiration. If you lose your critical attitude to yourself, pride leads to arrogance and arrogance and haughtiness. From the point of view of ethics, pride in a certain way directs and regulates the behavior of people and encourages them to do things that could not belittle their dignity. The Western philosophical view translates the idea of pride as self-respect and motivation to carry out activities. Russian philosophy does not consider pride to be a positive experience: Christian morality, which has had a direct influence on Russian thinkers, considers it unacceptable to recognize or not recognize one’s own or someone else’s merits, since a person does not have complete information about what is good and what is bad. This knowledge is possessed only by God; a man, taking responsibility to judge and evaluate, claims to be equal to God, and likeness to the Supreme is a sure sign of moral decline. Modesty is to be encouraged as the antonym of pride. Pride in etymological dictionaries is interpreted not as a positive valuable self-awareness of the individual, but rather as a negative character trait or condemned behavior. In modern linguistic dictionaries, there is no condemnation of pride, which is interpreted as «having a sense of self-esteem; full of pride», which indicates a tendency to change the significant component of the concept of «Pride» in Russian culture.
In the phraseological picture of the world, the concept of «Pride» retains a religious interpretation: there are numerous signs of «arrogance», «conformism, ingratiation and flattery», «vanity», «boasting». Positive signs of pride, which are the main ones in scientific discourse, are implemented only slightly in the phraseological picture of the world. It is not typical for native Russian speakers to think of pride as a feeling that manifests itself in joy and contentment. Based on the results of the behavioral study, the authors have come to the conclusion that the concept of «Pride» has different content and structure in the religious, scientific, and phraseological picture of the world.
Keywords: concept; pride; worldview; phraseology; ethics; philosophy; psychology

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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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