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DOI: 10.15862/13FLSK321 (https://doi.org/10.15862/13FLSK321)
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For citation:
Podkopayeva O.I. [Linguocognitive approach to the study of concepts in Russia] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/13FLSK321.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/13FLSK321
Linguocognitive approach to the study of concepts in Russia
Podkopayeva Olga Igorevna
Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski, Kaluga, Russia
E-mail: snechkus9025@mail.ru
Abstract. At the present stage of the development of linguistic science within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm, many scientists most often consider language units in the linguocognitive and linguocultural aspects, which form the two dominant approaches in the research devoted to the problems of cognitive linguistics. Cognitive linguistics is currently one of the fastest developing and most promising areas of modern Russian linguistics. The article considers in detail the linguocognitive approach to the study of the concept. The author presents the most common definitions of the key term of cognitive linguistics within the framework of the linguocognitive approach — the concept. The paper presents and defines the key terms of linguocognitive science, namely, «concept», «conceptosphere», «cognitive base», «conceptual differential feature», «conceptual classification feature». The article also displays several typologies of concepts within the framework of the considered approach (representation, scheme, frame, concept, script, gestalt). The article presents a brief overview of modern methods of concept research: the procedure of semantic-cognitive research, the method of frame analysis, conceptual mapping, content analysis. The author of the article suggests two approaches to the analysis of the structure and functioning of the concept within the framework of the linguocognitive approach: static (non-discursive) and dynamic (discursive). In the first case, idiographic sources and the separate usages of concepts in various discourses are studied, and in the second, the concept is studied in line with the dynamic approach, when concepts are considered as phenomena of the dynamic level of interaction of language, consciousness, discourse, characterized by the potentiality of meanings and receiving certainty only at the discursive level, in the conditions of interaction of all these components.
Keywords: cognitive linguistics; anthropocentrism; concept; conceptosphere; linguocognitive approach; linguocultural approach; conceptual analysis
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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