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DOI: 10.15862/46SCSK222 (https://doi.org/10.15862/46SCSK222)
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For citation:
Shmakov V.S. [Local communities of Eurasia: geocultural aspect] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/46SCSK222.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/46SCSK222
Local communities of Eurasia: geocultural aspect
Shmakov Vladimir Sergeevich
Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
E-mail: vsshmakov@gmail.com
Abstract. The development of society in the context of globalization determines the need to search for the possibility of combining the universalization and localization of geoculture. These processes of globalization have an impact on the content and forms of transformation of the Eurasian geocultural space. The problem field of research is connected with the objective need to analyze the evolution of geoculture, to understand geoculture as a system characterizing the relations of general civilization universals and local specifics. The application of the civilizational approach makes it possible to identify trends in the socio-cultural development of local communities in the geocultural space, to solve the problems of coherence of locality and globality. Local communities are in a transitional stage of their development due to industrial, economic, institutional and socio-cultural processes, changes and the introduction of unusual patterns of life attitudes. It is shown that local communities in the process of transformation unite into a specific socio-territorial location. On the one hand, in their development, local communities are subject to the general laws of transformation in the context of global and regional restructuring. On the other hand, models of socio-cultural behavior are formed depending on the resources and technologies available to the community, expressed in an attempt to preserve the traditional way of life.
Assimilation of local cultures is accompanied by polarization of geocultural space, which contributes to the development of isolation and diversification of sociocultures. Geocultural processes influence the transformation of value-normative attitudes, contribute to the growth of social stratification, and increase social inequality. The socio-cultural tradition on which the life of local communities is built legitimizes the primacy of the community over the individual. Closed society, resists modernization processes. In geoculture, consensus about the foundations of life and the goals of the community is disappearing. The development of a multicultural world exacerbates the problem of understanding and preserving the socio-cultural identity of local communities. The study of the emerging geocultural models of the development of local communities determines the possibilities of theoretical substantiation of alternative scenarios for modeling the transformation of socio-cultural identity.
Keywords: geoculture; geocultural space; eurasianism; locality; globality; development models
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