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For citation:
Karpova G.G., Suleimanov M.R. [The culture of media consumption in the context of the communicative arrhythmia] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/38SCSK420.pdf (in Russian).
The culture of media consumption in the context of the communicative arrhythmia
Karpova Galina Gennadievna
Yuri Gagarin state technical university of Saratov, Saratov, Russia
E-mail: karpgal@mail.ru
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=339066
Suleimanov Mnir Rafhatovich
Yuri Gagarin state technical university of Saratov, Saratov, Russia
E-mail: mrsul@mail.ru
Abstract. The authors consider the culture of media consumption as a part of the public opinion’s formation process in a particularly aggravated period of the coronavirus pandemic, caused by a lack of reliable and verified information, and bursts of network traffic. The communicative VUCA-world in its current state proposes to significantly revise the approaches and assessments of the importance of traditional (classical) channels of information.
The authors consider the “social distancing” recommended by WHO as a communicative construct that switched the media consumption culture of the population of almost the entire planet into the online digital space in self-isolation mode. However, the presence of chats on streaming sites and the opportunity to exchange «publicly» their reactions, opinions, and engage in discussions practically leveled the difficulties of self-isolation. Culturologists note that in social networks the “listen/listen” paradigm has changed to “discuss/turn on”.
The authors analyze the communicative practices of consumption of information messages, which are undergoing changes caused by the rapid development of digital content. The convergence of traditional media that has taken place over the past decade has accelerated not only at the federal level, but also regionally. It significantly expands and simplifies access to information: chats are actively used on network resources as a platform for exchange of opinions. The authors of the article argue that the emergence of new forms and platforms for information exchange requires new approaches to the aggregation and distribution of digital environment, as an important component of social communication; and in the practice of media consumption culture, the professional media with their usual classical formats and genres based on cultural traditions should remain a priority in creating the main information content.
Keywords: culture of media consumption; media convergence; network communication; communicative deformation; VUCA-world
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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