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For citation:
Kustov A.O., Melkov S.A., Mikryukov V.O. [Robots and feelings: analysis of the ethical problem, demonstrated in the movie «I, robot»] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/30SCSK220.pdf (in Russian).
Robots and feelings: analysis of the ethical problem, demonstrated in the movie «I, robot»
Kustov Andrei Olegovich
Civil defense academy EMERCOM of Russia, Khimki, Russia
E-mail: andrey101298@mail.ru
Melkov Sergey Anatolyevich
Civil defense academy EMERCOM of Russia, Khimki, Russia
E-mail: 304304@mail.ru
Mikryukov Vladimir Olegovich
Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: mikryukov.v.o@gmail.com
Abstract. This article investigates the ethical aspects of solving the problem of the influence of feelings on decision-making, using the American film «I, Robot» as an example, which was filmed by American filmmaker Alex Proyas and released in 2004. This film clearly shows: how the presence of feelings in the «sentient» robot helped him make the right moral, that is, similar to human, decisions throughout the film. The importance of feelings is indicated by the moment in the film in which the «insensitive» robot (a robot of the previous generation) decided not to save the girl from a sinking machine, choosing instead the salvation of the main character. The «insensible» robot justified his choice by the fact that it was mathematically less likely for the girl to survive, compared with chances of the main character of the film.
The author of the article conducted a sociological study among students and ranking among the teachers of the Academy of Civil Defense of the EMERCOM of Russia. The most useful suggestions were identified for a possible solution of the problem, shown in the film «I, Robot» for the future of the Russian society and the whole world. Moreover, a number of recommendations were made.
The article was prepared as part of a planned study of the discipline «Ethics of State and Municipal Service» and the scientific school «Public Policy and Management», which operates on an ongoing basis in Federal State Budget Military Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Civil Defence Academy of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters”.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; assimilation in society; cohabitation of robots and people; decision-making; ethical problem; feelings of robots; future of the robotic community; humanization process; laws of robotics; movie; new race; questioning; robotics; robot tool; science of the robotic community
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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