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For citation:
Lysova O.Yu. [The problem of the idiom’s internal form concept relativity in Russian phraseology] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/30FLSK222.pdf (in Russian).
The problem of the idiom’s internal form concept relativity in Russian phraseology
Lysova Olʹga Yurʹevna
Povolzsky Academy of Science and Art named after St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, Tolyatti, Russia
E-mail: olgha_lysova@mail.ru
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=372066
Abstract. Introduction. The article shows an analysis of probabilistic reasons for the multiple versions of understanding the phraseological units’ internal forms existence in modern Russian language. Meanwhile, the set of versions offered by phraseography does not always help in identifying the full truth of the internal form of phraseological unit: it may become obscured, unclear in the absence of a priority version, the choice of wording of which falls on the shoulders of amateur reader.
Methods. When analyzing the materials of modern phraseological dictionaries’ entries, we used the following methods of scientific research: etymological, linguoculturological, statistical, component analysis method.
Results. The incomplete development of phraseological unit’s internal form theory hinders the practice of modern lexicography and demands from future historical-etymological and linguoculturological phraseological dictionaries more scientific and careful verification.
Discussion. The final solution to the problem of the phraseological unit’s internal form concept relativity is prevented by: (1) the undeveloped theory of phraseological unit’s internal form; (2) the presence of several options for the phraseological meaning interpretation; (3) the lack of developed, clear criteria for the location (sequence) of versions of the phraseological unit’s origin in dictionary entries from the scientifically based to the probable, permissible, described in earlier phraseological sources; (4) different levels of knowledge and skills, life experience and philological readiness of the dictionary reader, so his phraseological competence in the situation of choosing the most priority version of the idiom’s origin; (5) the necessity of taking into account the synchronic and diachronic approaches in determining the phraseological unit’s internal form. Thus, the diachronic approach refers the recipient to the etymological reference, and the synchronic approach focuses on the realities of the reader’s modern life.
Final report. Solving the problem of idioms’ internal form will lead to a more complete understanding of phraseological units’ nature and their scientifically based lexicography.
Keywords: internal form of phraseological unit (phraseological unit’s internal form); versions verification; motivation of phraseological meaning; synchrony and diachrony; etymology of phraseological units
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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