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For citation:
Shvindt U.S. [Street art as a way to engage city residents in dialogue (on the example of 4 Yekaterinburg administrative districts)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/27SCSK219.pdf (in Russian).
Street art as a way to engage city residents in dialogue (on the example of 4 Yekaterinburg administrative districts)
Shvindt Uliana Sergeevna
Ural federal university, Yekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: uliana_s@list.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes communicative possibilities and characteristics of street art, which are disclosed by the author on the example of Yekaterinburg street art analysis, particularly its 4 administrative districts. The first three parts of the article have theoretical nature. The first part helps to understand the terminology of street art and contains the description of existing street art objects types. The second part considers the main street art feature consisting in ability to touch upon topical social, philosophical, political, environmental, and other problems. The author also gives the examples of the world famous street artists’ works – of such the artists as Banksy, Thrashbird, Dran and Agon Noga. The third theoretical part in general describes the features and development of street art in Yekaterinburg, gives the examples of the works of some local street artists, the most well-known of which are Timofey Radya and Slava PTRK. The rest two parts of the article are based on the conducted research that is the content analysis of street art objects in 4 Yekaterinburg districts. One part in detail describes the conducted research procedure that includes two steps – the mapping of objects and the content analysis itself. Finally, the last part of the article presents the research results: it analyzes the specificity of street art precisely as a way of engaging the city residents in a dialogue. The author comes to a conclusion that, despite the fact that the Yekaterinburg urban space is filled with street art objects having low communicative potential (that are so-called tags, small graffiti), currently we can observe also a different tendency: the active development of street art in Yekaterinburg, the emergence of an increasing number of works that touch upon certain social problems and therefore involve the wide audience – normal city residents, passersby – in a dialogue.
Keywords: street art; contemporary art; graffiti; mural; street art objects; Yekaterinburg; festival “Stenograffia”; communication
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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