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For citation:
Budnikova N.N. [The structural and semantic approach is the basis for studying insertion as a syntactic process of integration (based on the material of Russian-language prose of Kazakhstan, created at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/26FLSK220.pdf (in Russian).
The structural and semantic approach is the basis for studying insertion as a syntactic process of integration (based on the material of Russian-language prose of Kazakhstan, created at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries)
Budnikova Natalya Nikolaevna
Sarsen Amanzholov east Kazakhstan state university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
E-mail: nbh177@mail.ru
Abstract. The article considers the syntactic process of insertion from the perspective of a structural and semantic approach, which is based on the relationship between the expression plan and the content plan. Insertion is a syntactic process that is based on the interaction of the insertion and inclusion components. The structural and semantic interaction of the insertion components becomes a factor that makes it possible to identify and differentiate it as an integration syntactic process. Insertion as an integration syntactic process has a structural and semantic unity of the insertion and including components. The structural unity of the insertion and inclusion components manifests itself in the coincidence of vidovremennyh forms of verbs-predicates in the components of the process, one type of narrative, the appearance in the insertion component of the insertion of someone else’s speech. The semantic unity of the insertion and inclusion components is due to the close semantic connection between the components of the process, the inability to exclude the insertion component from the text fragment due to its projection on the content of previous/subsequent sentences. In modern Russian-language literary texts of Kazakhstan, the ethnospecific type of insertion is the insertion that contains the semantic identity of the insertion and including components: the components contain the designation of the same object or phenomenon. The active use of such inserts is explained by the linguistic and cultural phenomenon that has developed on the territory of Kazakhstan. The inclusion of non-direct speech in the insertion component can combine several speech plans, and the use of a quotation allows you to «connect» historical, cultural and literary contexts. The components of insertion as an integration syntactic process preserve semantic unity, proximity, and identity when partially or comprehensively implementing the structural unity of the components.
Keywords: structural and semantic approach; insertion as a syntactic process; insertion as an integration syntactic process; insertion component that includes a component; semantic unity of insertion components; structural unity of insertion components

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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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