2020, Vol. 11, No. 3. - go to content...
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For citation:
Medvedkina K.A., Mikhaylovskaya E.S. [Comparative analysis of pragmatic functions of first person pronouns in English and Russian academic texts] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/25FLSK320.pdf (in Russian).
Comparative analysis of pragmatic functions of first person pronouns in English and Russian academic texts
Medvedkina Ksenia Aleksandrovna
M.V. Lomonosov northern (arctic) federal university, Arkhangelsk, Russia
E-mail: k.medvedkina@narfu.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2753-7783
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=642611
Mikhaylovskaya Ekaterina Sergeevna
M.V. Lomonosov northern (arctic) federal university, Arkhangelsk, Russia
E-mail: e.mihajlovskaya@narfu.ru
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=923416
Abstract. Interest to the problem highlighted in the headline of the article lies in the trends towards globalisation. These trends motivate scholars in different branches of science to publish the results of their research in high-impact journals included into the international databases. It results in comparative linguistic analysis of rhetorical structures and stylistic features of academic discourse in different linguocultures.
Contrastive (later – cross-cultural) rhetoric is focused on investigating the peculiarities of expressing author’s identity in the texts of different genres in different languages.
The authors of the article attempt to carry out a comparative analysis of the frequency of authorial identity markers and their pragmatic functions in the genre of scientific article on linguistics in Russian and English languages. The theoretical background of the analysis is the research describing first person pronouns as a key manifestation of authorial presence in the academic text. The article contains an analysis of pragmatic functions of personal and possessive pronouns of the 1st person as means of constructing author’s identity in the academic text.
The analysis demonstrates certain similarities in the author’s representation in the roles of the author as the recounter of the research process, as the representative, as the guide through the essay and as the originator in English and Russian articles. The key difference is a significant gap in the explicit authorial self-representation between the roles of the author as the originator and the author as the opinion-holder in English and Russian corpora.
The results of the analysis make it possible to assume that these differences in verbal manifestation of the subject of the text in Russian and English rhetorical academic traditions will be levelled due to integration and globalisation trends.
Keywords: pragmatic function; first person pronouns; contrastive rhetoric; academic writing; author’s identity; self-reference; linguoculture
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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