World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2021, Vol. 12, No. 1. - go to content...

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For citation:

Khuazheva Z.G., Tlevtsezheva M.M., Naptsok M.R. [Using paraphrastic translation equivalent in artistic text] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 1. Available at: (in Russian).

Using paraphrastic translation equivalent in artistic text

Khuazheva Zamira Gidovna
Adyghe state university, Maykop, Russia

Tlevtsezheva Mariet Magametovna
Adyghe state university, Maykop, Russia

Naptsok Marietta Radislavovna
Adyghe state university, Maykop, Russia
Е -mail:

Abstract. In recent years, published works concerning the problem of linguistic translation paraphrase show that at present there is no unambiguous understanding of this phenomenon. In many scientific works there is a contamination of the terms «paraphrase» and «periphrase». To date, the semantic-stylistic and communicative-pragmatic functions of the paraphrase in the literary text have not been fully studied. All this determines the relevance of further research in this direction.

In linguistics, the term paraphrase is usually understood as the ability to change the linguistic form while maintaining the content. It is not uncommon for a paraphrase to be interpreted as repetition, in which the statement, as a rule, is not completely copied, some changes of a complementary or clarifying nature are introduced into its content.

In other spheres of knowledge, the paraphrase is taken far beyond this understanding. This term is used as a universal designation for various kinds of transformations. The first experience of semantic research of paraphrase can be connected with N. Chomsky’s generative grammar. The study of the problems of syntactic semantics within the framework of generative grammar (Chomsky 1965) led to the development of numerous trans-derivational procedures (addition, elimination, permutations) and lexical filling rules that provide various transformations of semantic representations into surface-syntactic ones. Translational paraphrasing is an interesting way of expressing translations of literary texts.

This article explores the use of a paraphrastic translation equivalent in a literary text. This article is devoted to the analysis of ways to achieve a paraphrastic equivalent in the translation of a literary text. In translation theory, the concept of equivalence occupies a central and important place. It is not a fixed value, the degree of closeness between the translation and the original may differ. The term paraphrastic translation equivalence means the semantic proximity of the source text and the translation text. The task of the translator is to convey the content of the original as fully as possible, taking into account the translation equivalence and the content of multilingual texts. The diversity of languages may limit the ability to preserve the content of the original text during translation.

Based on this, it is quite possible that during translation the equivalence retains or changes some elements of meaning that are contained in the original text.

Keywords: paraphrase; paraphrasing; paraphrastic translation; translation equivalent; literary translation; literary text; paraphrastic translation

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