World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

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For citation:

Ozerova E.G., Chebotareva I.M., Kazyutina E.S., Liutykh I.A. [Stylistics of literary texts by Boris Vasiliev] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

Stylistics of literary texts by Boris Vasiliev

Ozerova Elena Grigoryevna
Belgorod national research university, Belgorod, Russia

Chebotareva Irina Mikhailovna
Belgorod national research university, Belgorod, Russia

Kazyutina Evgenia Sergeevna
Belgorod university of cooperation, economics and law, Belgorod, Russia

Liutykh Irina Alexandrovna
Belgorod national research university, Belgorod, Russia

Abstract. The article considers the stylistic specificity of literary texts, which is determined by the architectonics of Boris Vasiliev’s thesaurus and accumulates the value-semantic factors of text formation. The individual author’s experience of events is achieved by a special semantic space in the triad: man – time – space. Temporal structure of B.L. Vasiliev texts are represented by language resources explicating anthropocentric topics of semantic organization of artistic time, and demonstrates the interaction of real and authorial time, so modus-dictum time is the style-forming dominant of Boris Vasiliev’s literary texts.

Repeat as a stylistic technique performs the function of interphrase communication, which focuses the semantic space, expressiveness of speech and chain architectonics. Frequently, the author uses anadiplosis and anaphora to create the emotional tonality of the text. The stylistic specificity of Boris Vasiliev’s literary texts is the technique of stringing verbs to convey the intensity and dynamism of current events.
The stylistic specificity of phraseological combinations creates an expressive, subjective-modus picture of the depicted events, which is generated by cognitive information and actualizes the cultural component of the mental worldview of military reality. Phraseologisms are characterized by figurative expressiveness, due to which the emotional perception of the transmitted meaning is formed in the texts of B. Vasiliev.

These experiments allow to draw a conclusion that stylistic markers of B. Vasiliev literary texts are: (a) temporal space, the image of which is due to individual author’s intentions; (b) stringing verbs to convey the intensity and dynamism of events; (c) lexical resources – repetitions and phraseological units, including individually-author’s combinations – as sense-forming dominants of text generation.

Keywords: text stylistics; temporal structure of the text; lexical repetition; phraseological combination; architectonics; semantic factors; individually-authorial intentions

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